About the Service
The provider for this service is British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) providing local services from:
Coventry: Oasis Health Care 51 Quinton Park Coventry CV3 5PZ
Nuneaton: Stockingford Medical Centre, 13 Northumberland Avenue, Nuneaton, CV10 8EJ
Stratford Upon Avon: 20 Timothys Bridge Road, Stratford Enterprise Park, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9BF
Stratford Upon Avon: Rother House Medical Centre, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 6PP
Other locations are available and can be discussed at the booking stage.
- Appointments and enquiries: 03457 30 40 30
Referral forms are available on the right hand panel
Pills By Post (Update April 2022) The future of telemedical abortion care
Since March 2020, clinically eligible women in the first ten weeks of pregnancy in England and Wales have been able to access abortion care remotely using telemedicine.
BPAS’s ‘Pills by Post’ is the largest of these safe, effective, and accessible telemedical services and has provided care for 100,000 women so far.
The Abortion Act 1967 will be amended in the coming weeks to permanently ensure our ability to provide care in this way.
BPAS’s Pills by Post service will continue as part of our high-quality abortion care provision. Now that we have certainty of the future of the service, we are also planning for the future – ensuring the best possible access to abortion and holistic care including contraception and STI testing. We will also be working with Royal Colleges and other abortion providers on best practice guidelines for young and vulnerable women and their particular needs.
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