About Community Nursing and Networks – Who are we?
Our Community Nursing and Therapy Team works with GP’s and other healthcare professionals to provide the nursing needs to housebound patients in their own home environment 24hrs per day 7 days per week
Each Place-Based Team works with a Primary Care Network and has:
- A Community Matron
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner
- District Nursing Sisters
- Community Staff Nurses
- Registered Associate Nurses
- Health Care Assistants
The Place-Based Team works closely with the palliative care team, tissue viability, continence, podiatry, physiotherapy and occupational therapy to provide holistic patient centred care for patients in their home environment
Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Referral Flowchart

Email Referral September 2024
Please use new email referral address: OOH.ISPA@uhcw.nhs.uk
Until the end of September 2024 if an e-mail / referral is received using the old OOH.ISPA@cwpt address, the sender will receive an e-mail along the lines of: “Your e-mail has been forwarded on but this e-mail account is no longer in use, please amend email address to OOH.ISPA@uhcw.nhs.uk.”
Rejected referrals:
Urgent Referrals: Referrers will be informed within 4 hours, by telephone and e-mail, by the triaging clinician, confirming why the referral has been rejected
Routine Referrals: Referrers will be informed within 24 hours by e-mail, by the triaging clinician, confirming why the referral has been rejected
NB: It is the responsibility of the referring clinician to inform the patient if the referral has been rejected
Definition of Housebound Patients for Referral to Community Nursing
Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust, in collaboration with local GPs and Community Teams, have defined our ‘housebound’ guidance to ensure all patients, over the age of 18 years, receive the right treatment at the right time in the right place, only providing routine clinical appointments in a person’s home when deemed appropriate.
It is acknowledged that an individual’s needs can be transient, therefore eligibility for a home visit should be reviewed on a regular basis and wherever possible, individuals who are able are encouraged to attend their GP Surgery, or an alternative community clinic for their care.
Housebound definition
A patient will be deemed to be housebound when they are unable to leave their home environment through physical and/or psychological illness.
Eligibility for a home visit will be determined on an individual patient basis by the assessing clinician, based on the above definition.
An individual will not be eligible for a home visit if they are able to leave their home environment on their own or with minimal assistance to visit public or social recreational public services (including shopping).
As an exception, only those individuals who are not housebound but require nursing support with injections and catheters will be offered a visit
Referrals to the Community Nursing Service will not be accepted for individuals who do not meet the above definition. Eg: referrals for self- isolating patients who are not housebound should sign-posted to an appropriate medical venue
[House Bound Definition V1.4 May 2021 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/1045/made]
Who to Refer? Place Based Team Community Nursing: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Referrals

How do I contact / refer to the service?
If the patient is housebound and/or meets the criteria, then a Health care professional can complete attached EMIS referral form (see link right) and Email to: OOH.ISPA@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
What the Referral Form looks like

*Please ensure any attached digital images include patient details within the image

Follow referral link on right for working forms (EMIS compatible form required)
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