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About the Electronic Referral Service eRS

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Referral Support Service Update May 2024

The RSS will be closing as of 31st July 2024 following a review undertaken in the Autumn 2023

The ICB are extremely conscious that this may be causing concern in practices that use the RSS regarding the process for referrals going forward, to ensure that referrals can be made safely and effectively beyond 31st July 2024 and the information below and attached provides information available to practices affected by this change

In order to support practices and to manage patient referrals safely during the closure process, a cut-off date for submitting referrals into the system is midnight 30thJune 2024.

This was suggested with input from the RSS Clinical Lead and supported by clinical colleagues.

This will allow sufficient time for any referrals in the system already, including those awaiting further information from referrers to be managed and triaged / processed safely

In order to support practices that currently use the RSS since it was introduced, the attached information and following outline aims to give you, your clinical referrers and staff that support the referral process within your practice more detail on how to access support and training in the coming weeks

In summary:

  • Referrals into RSS will continue to be processed in the usual way until 30th June
  • Referrals from 1st July will need to go via eRS directly to the selected Provider rather than the referral being sent to the RSS ensuring patient choice has been considered where possible.  The step by step process to follow with screenshots from eRS is attached.  Patients will not need to have letters printed for their appointment in the majority of cases
  • Support for practice teams continues to be available via the eRS Facilitator, Patient Choice Advisors and the Clinical Triage team until the service is closed via: rss.coventry@nhs.net or 0300 020 0013
  • eRS support can also be accessed via the national team: Referrers – NHS England Digital (this link takes you to the referrer support page on NHS Digital)
  • Further information is attached in the form of FAQs which will continue to be added to over the course of the coming weeks
  • Low Priority Procedures and Prior Approval processes are currently being worked through with Provider and ICB Leads to ensure appropriate management of these referrals is in place prior to the closure of the RSS.  Further details will be circulated to confirm any change to practice referral processes

We are aware that practice colleagues may have many questions that are not reflected in the current FAQs, therefore, please do share those with us via the generic RSS email address: so that we can respond and continue to update the FAQs for wider circulation

Any queries and specific questions will be looked into and updated at the earliest opportunity

Please also note that there will be further communication through the usual established routes along with the new monthly update

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