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Electronic Referral Service eRS







Step by Step Guide to Using eRS
RSS Close-down FAQs and Useful Contact information

Practice FAQs

  1. Who do I contact for training on how to use e-RS now that RSS is closing?

Contact the RSS team in the usual way until the service closes on 31st July

Email: rss.coventry@nhs.net  or Telephone: 0300 020 0013 (08:30-16:30hrs)

  1. What support is available to referrers / administrators in practice to manage referrals once RSS is closed?

If practice staff would like to access advice, support or training until the service is closed, this can be provided over the telephone, via email, on-site training to one or more staff (practices / PCNs can work together in groups with the training / support provided) or via MS Teams

Face to face, on-site training will need to be booked and MS Teams call also by contacting the team at: Sharon.collins26@nhs.net   or   rss.coventry@nhs.net

  1. When will referrals stop being accepted by RSS?

The RSS ceases to accept referrals as of midnight 30th June

Those already in the system will be processed in the usual way until 31st July

  1. What happens if a patient is referred to the right specialty but not the right clinic? Will they be put into the right clinic by the chosen Hospital or Service or will their referral be rejected?

Practices will be able to select clinics from the drop-down option within eRS and should continue to endeavour to ensure patients are referred into the correct clinic and provide the necessary information as currently required by the RSS Triage team / referral pathways. If, in the event that the referral is not sent to the correct clinic, this unfortunately may be rejected and sent back to the worklist in eRS

Practices will need to continue to monitor the situation through the “Rejected/triage response” worklist on the e-Referral service

  1. Will patients need to have letters printed for their appointments / referral booking as RSS currently provides letters?

Patients will not need to have letters printed for their appointment in the majority of cases, they will require their UBRN and Access Code to book the appointment

Practices have several options to share the referral with patients from within the eRS system including the NHS App for those patients that can access a Smart Phone, text messaging or email

To confirm:  Providers will send a letter to the patient once an appointment is booked. If the referral remains un-booked, the eReferral system automatically triggers a reminder letter to the patient (after 8 days for urgent or 21 days for routine referrals)

(N.B. Warwick Hospital only send out letters if the initial appointment booked is changed).

  1. Will GP Gateway still be available after RSS closes on 31st July 2024?

Yes – GP Gateway will still be available for all practice staff to access following the closure of RSS

What will practices need to do to make sure no patients are lost in the process?

Practices will need to continue to monitor their worklist within eRS on a regular basis (suggest daily) to ensure that no patient referrals are left awaiting action – this is in line with current processes.

  1. Is there any financial support from the ICB?

There is no additional financial support from the ICB throughout this transition to direct referrals into eRS.

  1. Is there an option to send letters to patients in other languages where their first language isn’t English?

The letters currently sent by the team are only issued in English.  Any need for interpretation services should be included in the referral so that the Provider can make the necessary arrangements

Useful Contact Information:

For any referral queries from the practice (not the patient) or to chase Advice and Guidance responses:

For waiting list/appointment queries (for patients and practices):

  • UHCW (booking centre) – 0800 252 060 (option 5)
  • Rugby St Cross (booking centre) – 0800 252 060 (option 5)
  • SWFT (booking centre) – 01926 600036
  • George Eliot Hospital – 024 7686 5050

Patients should have their booking reference number, NHS number or hospital number to make contact

Other useful contacts:
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