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Family Nurse Partnership FNP


Family Nurse Partnership - a support programme for young first time parents

(Visited 2,061 times, 169 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  
Family Nurse Partnership Coventry
  • A voluntary programme for young first time mothers (and their partners), aged 19 years or under.
  • Specially-trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy until child is aged two.
  • FNP uses methods on attachment, relationships and self-efficacy.
  • Building a trusting and supportive relationship.
  • Guidance to adopt healthier lifestyles for parent and baby, providing good care for baby and toddler, and planning for the future.

The family nurse will help:

  • Increase chances of a healthy pregnancy
  • Improve child’s development
  • Build a positive relationship with baby and others
  • Plan for the future
  • Make lifestyle choices that gives the child the best possible start in life
  • Achieve aspirations such as finding a job or returning to education
Parental Information

We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.

It’s all voluntary and if there is something you don’t want to talk about in a meeting just let your family nurse know.

Together you will decide what to cover in each visit and your family nurse is always available to talk through any concerns you have in-between visits.

Dads or partners are welcome to join in if the mum would like them to.

You don’t have to be in a relationship for dads to attend.

Contact and location:

Family Nurse Partnership Coventry 312 Charter Avenue Canley Coventry CV4 8DA


General enquiries Tel: 01926 495321 ext 7407

Information and related links

Information for pregnancy:

Information for infancy:

Information for toddlerhood:

Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  
Family Nurse Partnership Rugby and Warwickshire

Please contact us or your midwife if:

  • You are 19 years old or under and under 20 weeks pregnant
  • You live in Warwickshire
  • You would like to have the opportunity to have a family nurse to help you have a healthy pregnancy and be the best mum you can

If you would like to join the Family Nurse Partnership:

  • If you live in South Warwickshire or Rugby tel: 01926 400001 ext 231 or 07808 763319
  • If you live in North Warwickshire tel: 02476 491138 or 01675 461966 or 07808763322

We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.

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