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Early Intervention in Psychosis (age 14-65 years)


Early Intervention in Psychosis (age 14-65 years) and Psychosis Management


CWPT see patients with mental health illnesses including:

  • Bi-polar with psychotic symptoms
  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychotic disorders including drug induced psychosis

Patients aged 14-65 presenting with a possible first psychotic episode – refer to the Early Intervention Psychosis Team (IPU 10)

Patients are also cared for in Recovery Teams (IPU 11-17)


Referrals can be accepted from patients, families or professionals

Patients presenting with psychosis or possible psychosis (known as At Risk Mental State – or ‘ARMS’) should wait no longer than 2 weeks from referral to assessment and or treatment.

“URGENT – SUSPECTED PSYCHOSIS” should be clearly documented on the top of the referral letter or proforma to the Early Intervention in Psychosis Team to ensure it gets dealt with correctly when passing via single point of entry.

Consult revised Psychosis Checklist below and also printable version right for decision support.

Please attach copy of completed checklist to referral

Refer score more than 20 within 2 weeks

Referring under 18s
If referring under 18s, consider making parents/carers aware of 
NICE family/carers information in right hand panel.

Consultant Psychiatrist Advice Line Monday to Friday 9:45am to 4:30pm

For referral, management and medication advice with a summary to follow

Follow link

(Visited 10,311 times, 1,123 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  
Contact details:

Telephone: Between 9-5pm if you would like to discuss or make a referral directly to the Coventry team then you contact 02476 961150 and ask for Early Intervention in Psychosis. 

Mental Health Access Hub: (24 hours: you can also make referral routed through the mental health access hub on 08081 966798, selecting option 1.)

Email referral: you can also email your referral to   referralseipcoventry@covwarkpt.nhs.uk

Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  
Contact details:

Between 9-5pm to discuss an existing open case to the North Warwickshire team contact 0300 200 2008 and ask for Early Intervention in Psychosis. 

(24 hours: you can also make referral routed through the generic Mental Health Access Hub on 08081 966798, selecting option 1.)

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