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Hoarding Disorder


A specialist Occupational Therapy led service, providing holistic assessments, interventions, and practical and psychological support to individuals who compulsively hoard.

Enabling Spaces CIC is a community interest company (CIC) that has been established to work directly with individuals who are affected by Hoarding Disorder with associated self-neglect and domestic squalor

Enabling Spaces CIC has partnered with Coventry City Council and Coventry & Rugby CCG, as part of the Early Prevention, Health and Well-being program to deliver specialist hoarding  services for Coventry.

Click here for referral form


Referral email address: covhoarding@enablingspacescic.co.uk

For referral advice phone:  01926 935055 or 07377323575

Referral Criteria

  • Referrals will only be accepted from Adult Social Care (Social Workers), GPs and Mental Health Practitioners.
  • Client must be over 18yrs
  • Must live within the boundaries of Coventry City.
  • Demonstrate hoarding behaviours (collects items that appear of little value)
  • Significant distress or impairment in functioning caused by the hoarding.
  • Have additional mental health conditions, learning disability and/or other vulnerabilities including dementia and frailty.
  • Individual consents to Enabling Spaces’ support to address hoarding or legal representative consents, if individual is unable to consent.

Environmental Impact – unsafe

  • Significant levels of clutter in living spaces preventing them for being used for the intended purpose
  • Accumulation of, and failure to discard, a large volume of possessions that appear to most people to be useless or of limited value.
  • Fire Risks
  • Falls Risks
  • Impaired mobility within the property
  • Vermin, Infestation, Excessive pets
  • Risk to others living in the property
  • Risk to wider community
  • Squalid conditions – human or animal waste, rotting food, insect infestation

Impact on Activities of Daily Living

  • Self Neglect resulting in poor personal hygiene
  • Insufficient space to prepare food, toilet, shower/bath, dress, risk of infection for those in poor health, ability to sit comfortably to eat/relax
  • Productivity – Insufficient space to work, complete daily tasks such washing up, impacting on health
  • Leisure – Inability to socialise in the home environment, embarrassment associated with the condition of the property
  • Isolation from family, friends and local community
  • Amenities not functioning.

Hours of availability

This is a part-time service operating Monday – Wednesday 9am-5pm.


If the person meets the criteria for Coventry Hoarding Service, there will be no cost for Enabling Spaces’ input.

Enabling Spaces have a small budget of up to £500 per person – often additional costs will need to be sourced to cover costs of decluttering and deep cleaning.

Further information about the Hoarding Service

Click here

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