Realising Everyone’s Access to Community Help (REACH)
A new service that will support the delivery of the Community Mental Health Transformation programme of the NHS
REACH is the result of a fantastic collaboration by a consortium of over 70 local providers (VCFSE MHAlliance) spearheaded by Rethink Mental Illness, Experts by Experience and NHS Coventry&Warwickshire Partnership Trust
This new service offers person-centred care for adults with severe mental health needs who are either waiting for NHS Mental Health Services or are being discharged
REACH Peer Support Workers will be working along partners Valley Housing, Citizens Advice, and members of the Cultural Inclusion Network including Inini, Sahil, Ekta Unity, Ambacare, the Tamarind Centre, and Coventry Muslim Forum
Realising Everyone’s Access to Community Help (REACH) is a brand new service that will support the delivery of the Community Mental Health Transformation programme of the NHS
REACH is a collaboration by a consortium of over 70 local providers, Voluntary Community Faith and Social Enterprise Mental Health Alliance (VCFSE) spearheaded by Rethink Mental Illness, Experts by Experience, and NHS Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust
This new innovative and exciting collaboration of services has opened up the opportunity to move away from disjointed and silo working to a new integrated, flexible, responsive and personalised model of care for adults with severe mental health needs who are either waiting for secondary care Mental Health Services or are being discharged, to provide a holistic service to members of all communities from different back grounds
Referrals are for people who need support to access the wider VCSE
Peer workers work with people and support them to access and engage with services
Send completed referral form to REACH coordinator:
Reach Peer Support Partners
There are 11 organisations in REACH
- Rethink (Service Lead)
- Valley House (Domestic Abuse) Peer Support Worker
- Citizens Advice Coventry (Financial Hardship) Peer Support Worker
- Arty-Folks (MH Social Inclusion) Peer Support Worker
Cultural Inclusion Network Organisations (CIN):
- Ambacare Solutions -single point of entry/ referrals into the CIN organisations
- Inini (Refugees and Migrants) Peer Groups
- Tamarind (African, South Asian and dual heritage communities) Peer Groups
- Sahil South Asian Community Peer Groups
- Ekta Unity (South Asian, older people) Peer Groups
- Coventry Muslim Forum Peer Groups
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