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MENtalk (Sky Blues in the Community)


Sky Blues in the Community have launched their new mental health programme, ‘MENtalk’

About MENtalk

MENtalk is a weekly group session designed to bring men together to improve their wellbeing, delivered by mental health specialists , professional sports coaches, and expert activity instructors

MENTalk offer psychologist led sessions that have been taking place virtually and have been successful in supporting many men across Coventry, North Warwickshire and South Warwickshire with mental health issues such as:

  • Managing Anxiety
  • Dealing with Depression
  • Understanding Stress
  • Increasing Self-Compassion
  • Healthy Lifestyle education

Free physical creative social and mindfulness activities are offered with one to one mental health support

All sessions are free for beneficiaries and, as we deliver in sports facilities, we have plenty of capacity. We’d love for you to refer more people to each session so we can support in their recovery.

Mental Health Coordinator Contact
  1. We have appointed a new Mental Health Coordinator to the team who will ensure we’re able to support as many people as possible.

If there’s anyone you feel would benefit from MENtalk please complete the attached referrals form and send it to: George.heaton@sbitc.org.uk

Here’s a message from George to all our community mental health colleagues:

Hello, my name’s George Heaton and I’m the new Mental Health Co-Ordinator at SBitC. I’ll be the first point of contact anyone referring new participants onto MENtalk.

 I have 17 years’ experience of working with people suffering with their mental health so am able to support them to access projects which benefit their mental health. I’m a big believer in the power of physical activities to support mental health recovery so hope to meet many of you to discuss how we can support everyone who needs our help to attend our activities.

Steve’s Story



We recently filmed Steve’s Story which tells the story of one of our beneficiaries whose life has been transformed by taking part in MENtalk. Steve’s mental health is much better, he no longer needs medication and he’s set up his own thriving business. We’re delighted that Steve’s recovery has been so successful and he’s moved forward with his life, partly thanks to our team’s work. Please see the link below:

Follow Steve’s story with SBitC’s MenTalk project – YouTube



Follow Dave’s story with SBitC’s MenTalk project – YouTube

New Venue for Saturday MENtalk Sessions – STARTING SATURDAY 25TH FEBRUARY. We’re about to launch MENtalk sessions on Saturdays at Bluecoat School, Terry Road, Coventry, CV1 2BA from 11am till 1pm.

Our aim is to reach as many men as possible so we’re setting this session up based on feedback and to ensure that men who are unable to attend during the week can come on Saturdays instead. Men will benefit from regular mental health support, physical activities and the chance to make new friends. We’ve picked this time/venue so beneficiaries can attend CCFC home matches with us afterwards if they chose to.

This session is not only for employed men but for anyone who would like to attend so we’re still looking for other new referrals so we can create a buzz and make the session as inclusive, fun and effective as possible.

If there’s anyone you feel would benefit from MENtalk please complete the attached referrals form and send it them to George by email: George.heaton@sbitc.org.uk

All sessions are free for beneficiaries and, as we deliver in sports facilities, we have plenty of capacity. We’d love for you to refer more people to each session so we can support in their recovery.

SBitC’s Weekly Mental Health Timetable

  • Monday:

Dementia Active – AT7, Coventry (CV6 7GP): 10:00am – 12:00pm

MENtalk – New Online Sessions: 13:00-14:00pm

Dementia Active – Jubilee Sports Centre, Nuneaton (CV10 7EZ): 14:30-16:30pm

  • Tuesday:

WOMENtalk – St Nicholas Park, Warwick (CV34 4QY): 10:00-11:30am

MENtalk – St Nicholas Park, Warwick (CV34 4QY): 12:00–14:00pm

  • Wednesday:

MENtalk – Rugby School Sports Centre, Rugby (CV22 5DJ): 10:00am–12:00pm

  • Thursday:

MENtalk – Moat House Leisure Centre, Coventry (CV2 1EA): 12:00–14:00pm

  • Friday:

DEMENTIA Active – St Nicholas Park, Warwick (CV34 4QY): 10:00–11:30am

MENtalk – Jubilee Sports Centre, Nuneaton (CV10 7EZ): 12:00–14:00pm

WOMENtalk – Jubilee Sports Centre, Nuneaton (CV10 7EZ): 14:00–15:30pm


NEW Online Drop-in Sessions

Our Health Manager (Robbie Chandler) offers weekly, online, drop-in sessions for men who would like to engage with MENtalk but might not feel confident enough to go to one of our venues.

This worked extremely well during the pandemic for those who needed to be more socially active but were isolated. This is an opportunity for men to meet SBitC without having to attend physically and we hope this will enable us to break down any barriers connected to anxiety.

New members to the group are able to meet Robbie online at 1pm every Monday.

The men who have attended the sessions have given fantastic feedback to SBitC, for instance:

You have helped in so many ways I’m not sure you realise how awesome this project is from a person to have lived with this illness for so long.”

“I can honestly say that each session has made me feel better, at first I didn’t know what to expect so I was a bit apprehensive about what to say and how I would feel. As I have attended more sessions I am feeling a lot more comfortable and have been able to open up.”


NEW Online Mental Health Course for men (MENtalk)

Our friendly, understanding team deliver a six-week block of targeted discussions around a range of common, relatable mental health topics which affect men. We teach techniques on how to deal with different issues in an environment where men make friends and feel supported.

Topics include:

  • Understanding anxiety
  • Managing depression
  • Cognitive behavioural approaches
  • A compassionate mind
  • Sleep, exercise and stress
  • Guest slot from our Independent Mental Health Advocate to discuss the support available with a focus on managing medication, navigating NHS services and receiving financial/housing support

Contact Sky Blues in the Community’s Mental Health Officer:

Email Robert.Chandler@sbitc.org.uk  

Sky Blues in the Community Tel: 02476 786349

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Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  
Rugby Update

Sky Blues in the Community have launched MENtalk sessions in Rugby on Wednesdays  from 10am till 12 noon at Rugby School Sports Centre.

These are FREE for men with mental health problems and will take place weekly.

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