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FIT FANS (Sky Blues in the Community)


FIT FANS is a free 12-week health programme for men aged 25 – 65 who have a BMI above 28 provided in association with Sky Blues in the Community


FIT FANS is a free 12-week health programme for men aged 25 – 65 who have a BMI above 28. With support from our staff and other group members, participants will get tips to:

  • Improve their eating habits
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Increase activity levels
  • Reduce their weight and waistline

Participants will be able to meet other fans on the same weight loss journey as them, and they will get to see behind the scenes at Coventry City Football Club.

Self Referral

Patients can register interest through this link: https://www.efltrust.com/fitfans/

Or by emailing sbitc@sbitc.org.uk

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