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HURDLE charitable support service


HURDLE is a charitable support service dedicated to reducing the number of children being taken into care each year

About Hurdle

We work with parents and parents-to-be who have experienced (or are at risk of) the repeated removal of children from their care.

We help them overcome the significant emotional, personal and practical problems which prevent them providing a safe, secure home and future for themselves and their children.

Hurdle services are available to women and men in a 30-mile radius of Coventry who:

  • Have left, or are soon to leave, an assessment programme at Dudley Lodge (or other Family Assessment Centre) with a child in their care, and think they might need support to make that transition back into the community
  • Are expecting a baby, but have been identified as ‘at risk’ of the baby removed from their care at birth
  • Have suffered a recent loss of their child or children to the care system

Potential Hurdle clients are likely to be:

16-40 age range, living in within a 30 miles radius of Coventry

Already battling a range of difficult circumstances including one or (typically) more of:

A major motivation for parents engaging with Hurdle service is likely to be the desire to either keep or regain custody of their existing children, and to be allowed to keep any future children.



Services include:
Befriending Mentoring Life-skills training Grief support Child development advice Community integration
Parenting Preparation Freedom programme Parenting Groups Protective behaviours group Back on track support

Peer support


Telephone advice




Link worker allocation


Support with Care Proceedings and contact


Hurdle is free of charge service, and participation is entirely voluntary.

Support is usually offered for up to 6 months but can be extended in certain circumstances.

Frequency and type of support will be based on the individual’s needs and wants.


We accept self-referrals, and referrals from professionals including statutory services, health, legal and the voluntary sector.

For more information visit please our website: www.hurdle.org.uk

If you wish to refer an individual to Hurdle, you can email info@hurdle.org.uk, call 02476 502 800 or fill in our support form from the website to provide initial details, including the best way for us to contact you (by email or phone, and at what times).

Once we have received your request we will then email initial referral.

Click here to view the parents leaflet.

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