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SEND Information, Advice and Support Service SENDIASS




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Coventry Guidance  

What does SEND Information, Advice and Support Service offer?

We provide impartial and accurate Special Educational Needs and Disability information, advice and support for:

  • Parents/carers
  • Children (0-15yrs)
  • Young people (16-25yrs)

We do not take sides, we aim to offer a wide range of services to help families make informed decisions and enable them to take an active role in the education of their child/young person.

View the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service leaflet.

We work closely with parents, carers, children and young people, schools and other statutory and voluntary agencies to offer:

  • Telephone and email advice and support.
  • We can listen to your views and help you express them.
  • Information and support for parents/carers of children who have been excluded or are at risk of exclusion from school.
  • Support to enable you to prepare for meetings.
  • Facilitate parent events

Within this site you can find information about:

You can also access a number of leaflets/publications to download.

  • SENDIASS guides including those to support young people aged 0-25
  • E-Bulletin – a half-termly round-up of the latest news and events from SENDIASS, and other local and national organisations.
If you can’t find it here

The service operates a self-referral system, where parents/young people contact the service directly. Please note you will be asked to leave your contact details to enable a Duty Officer to call you back within our service standard of 2 working days

In exceptional circumstances a young person or parent who requires SENDIASS support may feel unable to make contact by themselves, in which case we recommend that a professional makes the initial contact on their behalf, ideally whilst the young person or parent is present

Service standards

IASS aim to work professionally and co-operatively with children and young people, their parents and professionals, and the service has it’s own Service Standards to set out the way we will work with families and other organisations

This includes:

  • Everything the service expects to provide
  • How it will provide it
  • Its monitoring arrangements
  • Its staffing arrangements

Download our Service Standards

Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Barnardo’s Warwickshire

We offer telephone and email advice, updates on social media, information packs, virtual and face-to-face 1-1 support, drop-in sessions, online and face-to-face workshops, training for professionals and support to young people who access our service independently

Our opening hours are Monday – Friday, 9 am-4.30 pm

For more information, advice and support, contact us by email warwickshiresendiass@barnardos.org.uk, by phone at 01788 593159 or visit our Facebook page.

What is Warwickshire’s SEND local offer?

Warwickshire’s SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

What is SENDiass?

SENDiass stands for special educational needs and disability information advice and support service

Children, young people and their parents and carers where a child or young person has or may have special educational needs or a disability are able to access the service for free, impartial and confidential information and advice

“Local authorities must arrange for children with SEN or disabilities for whom they are responsible, and their parents, and young people with SEN or disabilities for whom they are responsible, to be provided with information and advice about matters relating to their SEN or disabilities, including matters relating to health and social care”

SEND Code of Practice 2014, DfE

What is SEND?

SEND stands for special educational need or disability

If a child is struggling to make progress in nursery, school or college it is possible that they may have special educational need or disability. A child or young person with SEND needs provision which is different from or additional to that available to others of the same age. A child’s needs should be identified and the provision should match the identified needs

The SEND Code of Practice identifies four broad areas of need and support:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and/or physical needs
Useful links with additional information to help answer any questions

Code of Practice – Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25:

Council for Disabled Children – providing resources and guidance:

Contact – Providing advice and support for families of disabled children:

IPSEA – Independent advisor of special educational advice:

SENJungle – Parent-led resources and information and informed opinion about children and young people: https://www.specialneedsjungle.com/

Child advice law site: https://childlawadvice.org.uk/

NAS: https://www.autism.org.uk/

MENCAP:  https://www.mencap.org.uk/

Barnardos Warwickshire SENDIASS:

North Warwickshire Guidance  

See above

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