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Mental Health Matters Helpline & Safe Haven


Are you feeling distressed, frightened, overwhelmed, or that things are too much for you? Don’t know where to turn to get mental health support? Are your usual sources of support closed?

Safe Haven Service Change from 1 July 2023

Mental Health Matters MHM Coventry & Warwickshire Helpline

Call on 0800 616 171 – a free 24/7 confidential helpline providing emotional support to residents of Coventry & Warwickshire.

Helpline staff are highly skilled, trained and compassionate – they are here to help you.

Things they can help you with may include:

  • Feeling low, anxious or stressed and feel that talking to another person might help you
  • In extreme emotional distress and feel that there is nowhere else to turn
  • You’re caring for another person and finding it difficult to cope
  • You need advice about how to get more support with an issue that’s affecting your mental wellbeing
  • You feel socially isolated and just need a chat

Talking to someone on our Helpline can give you a feeling of relief, peace of mind and help improve your wellbeing.

You won’t be judged, and our service is confidential unless we believe that there is a risk to you or others. We can also sign-post you to a local service.

The helpline works with a number of other local organisations as part of the Local Provider Forum, to ensure the best support possible.

If our service is right for you, one of our Employment Advisors will work with you to support you towards your own employment goals.

They will help you to identify your strengths and skills, and to develop through experience, volunteering and training which is tailored to suit your needs.

If you are already working and experience difficulty in the work place then an employment coach can provide you with support and assistance whilst you deal with your challenges and decide how you wish to proceed, including support if you wish to change positions or careers.

We also work with local employers to raise their awareness about mental health in the workplace and what they can do to support their employees.



Self refer yourself to the Coventry & Warwickshire IAPT service by calling 024 7667 1090  and speaking to an IAPT administrator at their telephone and referral centre (TaRC) who will register your details on their system and begin the process of arranging an assessment appointment. You GPs or other health/social care professional can refer to the service.

The referrals team will conduct a brief assessment to make sure the service is able to help you.

If you are already receiving treatment from the Coventry & Warwickshire IAPT service, you can discuss with your IAPT therapist whether you would benefit from talking to an employment advisor.

Room 105 Manor Court, 3 The Quadrant, Warwick Road, Coventry, CV1 2DY Tel 0247 667 1090

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

General enquiries & 24/7 Helpline: 0800 616 171

(Visited 3,290 times, 306 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  
Mental Health Matters MHM

The MHM Coventry Safe Haven @ Broad Street Centre offers out of hours mental health support to any residents of Coventry aged 18 or over, including healthcare professionals.

Open 6pm-11pm, Monday to Sunday 365 days a year

A welcoming, safe, comfortable, non-judgmental and non-clinical environment with an emphasis on reducing immediate distress, and supporting visitors to access services and opportunities available to them in the wider community.

Visit www.mhm.org.uk for further details of the Haven.

You can come just for a cup of tea and a chat, or you can access one-to-one emotional support from trained mental health professionals. We also offer help in creating staying well and crisis plans, and support visitors to access other services and organisations that may be useful to them. Users of the Haven have access to a 24-hour telephone emotional support line staffed by trained counsellors.

No appointment or referral needed. Carers & family welcome.


MHM Coventry Safe Haven Broad Street Centre, Broad Street, Coventry, CV6 5AX

Web: www.mhm.org.uk for further details of the Haven

Tel: 07921 876 065 Email: coventryhaven.mhm@nhs.net

Calls and emails are monitored between 6pm-11pm


Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Feeling distressed, frightened, overwhelmed, or that things are too much for you?
Don’t know where to turn to get mental health support?
Are your usual sources of support closed?

The Warwickshire Safe Havens offer out-of-hours mental health support to anyone aged 16+ in the Warwickshire area, from two locations in Nuneaton and Leamington Spa.

This is a walk-in service – there’s no need to be referred by your GP or Care Coordinator. The Safe Havens offer two welcoming, safe, comfortable, non-judgmental and non-clinical environments, sometimes known as ‘crisis cafes’.

At the Safe Havens, we will be able to provide information and emotional support if you are in crisis or feel you are heading towards a crisis situation.

You can come just for a cup of tea and a chat, or you can access one-to-one emotional support from trained mental health professionals.

We also offer help in creating staying well and crisis plans, and support visitors to access other services and organisations that may be useful to them.

We work closely with GPs, Community Mental Health Teams, Crisis Teams, A&E Mental Health Liaison Teams, Police and Ambulance Services, Street Triage, and other front-line healthcare professionals to ensure that people in emotional distress have a safe, supportive place to go to, with appropriate mental health support available.

People using the Safe Havens will also be supported by our 24/7 helpline, which offers access to emotional support and information even when the safe Havens are closed.

Anyone aged 16 and over can come to the Safe Havens – you don’t need a formal referral or appointment.

Please note: the Safe Havens are not suitable for people needing urgent medical attention (for example, after self-harm) – for urgent medical care please attend your nearest A&E or call 999.

Please also be mindful that if your behaviour is inappropriate and/or negatively impacting the safety and wellbeing of others using the service, you may be turned away.

Warwickshire Safe Haven@Leamington Spa:

4&6 Clemens Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 2DL
Open 6pm-11pm, Monday to Wednesday
Call: 07483 991763 or email us at: warwickshiresafehaven@mhm.org.uk

Warwickshire Safe Haven@Nuneaton:

Newtown Centre, Newtown Rd, Nuneaton CV11 4HG
Open 6pm-11pm, Thursday to Sunday.
Call: 07887 627524 or email us at: warwickshiresafehaven@mhm.org.uk

Calls and emails will be monitored by staff during Safe Haven opening hours. You may call and leave a message, or send an email, at any other time of day, and these will be picked up and responded to as soon as possible during opening hours.

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