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Fitter Futures – Strength and Balance (Warwickshire)

(Visited 863 times, 74 visits today)
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  
Fitter Futures – Strength and Balance.

A new service officially part of the Fitter Futures Warwickshire service.

The referral process is by Fitter Futures referral form or via the online portal: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fitterfuturesreferral.

The service will support individuals who lack the confidence with their mobility, feel unsteady on their feet and maybe at risk of falling but have not fallen within the last 12 months.

The programme provides dedicated, trained professionals who will deliver support to those eligible and ultimately, help improve their strength and balance and reduce their risk of a fall.

This referral pathway focuses on preventative and/or low level support for Warwickshire residents only.

The following centres are delivering the strength and balance programme:

  • Arley Leisure Centre – North Warwickshire
  • Coleshill Leisure Centre – North Warwickshire
  • Southam Leisure Centre – Stratford
  • Shipston Leisure Centre  – Stratford
  • Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre – Leamington Spa

All frontline delivery staff must conduct a multi factorial risk assessment on week 1, and TUAG (Timed Up and Go Test) is incorporated within the week 1 and 12 outcomes.

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