NHS Health Check Delivery in Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council (WCC) commissions Everyone Health to support GP practices to deliver NHS Health Checks as part of the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Service (Fitter Futures). NHS Health Checks
NHS Health Check Eligibility
Everyone aged 40 to 74 who does not have a pre-existing health condition (listed below) and has not received an NHS Health Check in the last 5 years is eligible for, and should be able to access, an NHS Health Check if registered with a Warwickshire GP.
Pre-existing conditions and therefore not eligible for a health check:
- Heart disease
- Heart failure
- Atrial fibrillation
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Chronic kidney disease
- Diabetes
- Peripheral arterial disease
- Transient ischaemic attack
- Stroke
- Inherited high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia)
- Currently being prescribed statins to lower cholesterol
- Previous checks that have found a 20% or higher risk of getting cardiovascular disease over the next 10 years
Targeting NHS Health Check Invitations to Reduce Health Inequalities
Warwickshire’s increased performance level does present a challenge, because of the limited budget we have for the NHS Health Check programme.
To support our ambition to reduce inequalities and improve population health and wellbeing within a very limited budget, we ask you to invite patients first with a combination of all 3 of the following criteria, next expanding to those meeting 1 or more of the following criteria, before expanding to the eligible population:
- Ethnically diverse communities
- Current smokers
- Living within 20% most deprived areas in Warwickshire:
o Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough
▪ Bar Pool North & Crescents
▪ Kingswood Grove Farm & Rural
▪ Camp Hill Village & West
▪ Abbey Town Centre
▪ Middlemarch & Swimming Pool
▪ Abbey Priory
▪ Hill Top
▪ Camp Hill East & Quarry
▪ Kingswood Stockingford SchoolsOFFICIAL
▪ Abbey North
▪ Bede East
▪ Bede Cannons
▪ Poplar Coalpit Field
▪ Camp Hill North West & Allotments
▪ Riversley
▪ Bede North
▪ Poplar Nicholas Chamberlain
o North Warwickshire Borough
▪ Mancetter South & Ridge Lane
▪ Atherstone Central – Centre
o Rugby Borough
▪ Brownsover South Lake District North
▪ Rugby Town Centre
o Warwick District
▪ Lillington East
WCC Public Health will review the criteria quarterly, so these may change to ensure we are working towards reducing health inequalities in the most effective way. Any changes will be communicated to GP Practices
The IT system Health Diagnostics supports the delivery and administration of the NHS Health Check
The software links directly to EMIS and updates the patient record on EMIS
This automatic Practice performance reporting will help us identify any areas where the targeting approach may not be operating as effectively as intended. We will contact Practices to offer our support in targeting priority cohorts where this appears to be the case.
Adult Weight Management
As part of Fitter Futures, Everyone Health has also been commissioned to provide an Adult Weight Management service however Fitter Futures will no longer be accepting Adult Weight management referrals until further notice
We are working closely with Everyone Health to process existing referrals in a prioritise way, to ensure resources are being used to tackle health inequalities
If someone requires weight management support, please be directed to Coventry and Warwickshire ICB’s weight management website
On this page there is a link to Warwickshire’s weight management pathway that details alternative options to Fitter Futures
As a system we are encouraging referrals into the Digital Weight Management Programme, which has the following eligibility criteria:
- 18 or over
- BMI greater than 30, or BMI greater than 27.5 for people from black, Asian, and ethnic minority backgrounds
- have diabetes, high blood pressure, or both
- have a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access
Alternatively, patients who are overweight/obese, who have diabetes or are pre-diabetic, or other specified health concerns, can be referred to the Fitter Futures Physical Activity on Referral offer
Details of eligibility can be found here: Physical Activity on Referral – Fitter Futures Warwickshire, which has the following eligibility criteria:
- 18 or over
- Registered with a Warwickshire GP or living in Warwickshire
- Have one of the following conditions:
o Mental health condition – such as mild to moderate depression, anxiety, low mood and mild cognitive impairment
o Respiratory condition
o Musculoskeletal condition
o Strength or balance concerns
o Neurological condition
o Hypertension
o Risk of cardiovascular disease
o Diabetes (type one or two)
o Pre-diabetes
o Overweight/obesity (including in all stages of pregnancy and postnatal) Maximum BMI of 40
o Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoporosis
o Pulmonary maintenance
o Physically inactive
o Recovering from cancer
o Severe mental illness
If you are a healthcare professional and would like to refer a patient, please click here
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the Healthy Lifestyle Commissioner Melanie Campbell
Email: melaniecampbell@warwickshire.gov.uk
Stop Smoking Programme
This is a 12-week digital or face-to-face programme which consists of 12 weeks of one-to-one support, delivered by our Specialist Stop Smoking Practitioners. You will receive constant support and help with managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, access to the Getting Smoking Free app and FREE Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products.
- Living in Warwickshire
- Registered with a Warwickshire GP
- Aged 12+
If you are a healthcare professional and would like to refer a patient, please click here
Physical Activity on Referral
This is a 12-week programme which is delivered by a qualified fitness instructor who will devise you a Physical activity/healthy lifestyle programme
Opening times: Open various times depending on location and provider
Eligibility: You must be registered with a Warwickshire GP and have one of the following conditions:
- Mental health condition – such as mild to moderate depression, anxiety, low mood and mild cognitive impairment
- Respiratory condition
- Musculoskeletal condition
- Strength or balance concerns
- Neurological condition
- Hypertension
- Risk of cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes (type one or two)
- Pre-diabetes
- Overweight/obesity (including in all stages of pregnancy and postnatal)
- Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or osteoporosis
- Pulmonary maintenance
- Physically inactive
- Recovering from cancer
- Severe mental illness
Please note this service is only open to individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 and under.
Cost: Discounted costs which vary dependent on provider
To refer a patient, please click here
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