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Weight Management Services and Pathways


Signposting referral options for management of obesity

Weight Management Services and Pathways

Global obesity rates have tripled since 1975, and the UK ranks among the worst in Europe.

Obesity and poor diet are linked with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risk of respiratory, musculoskeletal, and liver diseases

People living with obesity are also at increased risk of certain cancers, including being three times more likely to develop colon cancer

With children, obesity levels in Coventry are higher than the England average, with around 22% of Reception children and 41.1% of Year 6 children classed as overweight and/or obese

Within Warwickshire, 21.3% of Reception children and 35.9% of Year 6 children are classed as overweight and/or obese

65.3% of Coventry adults and 66.2% Warwickshire adults (aged 18+) were classified as overweight or obese

Nationally, nearly two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese

Coventry and Warwickshire ICB are committed to supporting residents and Health Professionals access weight management services for those living with obesity

There are a range of commissioned weight management services available for residents across Coventry and Warwickshire, such as:

  • National Digital Weight Management Programme 
  • Tier 2 services for both children and adults (community based lifestyle weight management) – commissioned by Local Authorities:

Coventry Weight Management Pathways see static images below

Warwickshire Weight Management Pathways see static images below

  • Tier 3 (Specialist Weight Management):

Click here for further Gateway referral information

  • Tier 4 (Bariatric surgery):

Click here for further Gateway referral information

  • Community Dietetics:

Click here for further Gateway referral information

All weight management services are free and require the patient to participate in regular sessions, ranging from 7 weeks to 12 months

Behaviour change techniques underpin all services to provide the patient with the knowledge, skill, and opportunity to learn and undertake positive behaviour changes to their lifestyle


Coventry Weight Management Pathways


Warwickshire Weight Management Pathways


Obesity Lifestyle Management

See GP Gateway Page (follow link) Weight Management (Adults)

See GP Gateway Page (follow link) Weight Management (Families)

See GP Gateway Page (follow link) Exercise & Healthy Lifestyles for Families


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