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Bariatrics & Obesity Surgery (Specialist Weight Management Service)


Bariatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.


BOMSS Statement on Bariatric Tourism:

The below link will direct you to a statement from BOMSS on bariatric tourism:




UHCW Specialist Weight Management Clinic (New Patients)

The Consultant overseeing the Weight Management Service at UHCW is Dr Tom Barber Consultant Endocrinologist

Please note: The DHSS has written to all GPs in England to say we are not able to initiate GLP1 therapies for any patient regardless of the indication due to the global supply issue, and this is likely to be the case well into the foreseeable future


Referral criteria Tier 3 (Medical Weight Management)

  • Age ≥ 18 years AND
  • *BMI >40kg/m  OR  BMI 35 kg/m2to 40 kg/m2 with related co-morbidities such as Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Hypertension or Obstructive Sleep Apnoea AND
  • Motivated patient willing to be referred to the Specialist Weight Management Clinic

*South Asian patients can be referred with a BMI equal to or greater than 35 without co-morbidities

Patients referred with a BMI< 35 will not be accepted

Pre-referral requirements

  • Height and weight and calculated BMI in kg/m2
  • A full list of medications including insulin doses
  • HbA1c / fasting Glucose / U&E’s / Lipid Profile /TFTs / TSH / LFTs within last 2 months

UHCW Bariatric Surgery Services

Referral criteria Tier 4 (Bariatric Surgery)

Attendance and engagement at Tier 3 service for a minimum of one year. Patients are expected to prevent further weight gain and demonstrate an improvement in eating behaviours, an increase in physical movement and address any psychological barriers to a healthy lifestyle.

Patients will need to attend a medical, dietetic and psychological assessment to explore whether bariatric surgery is the most appropriate treatment choice.

After Multidisciplinary Team discussion patients will then enter the surgical pathway, unless a contraindication was found during assessments at their medical, psychological or dietetic appointments.

Attendance at a surgical options information session followed later by an appointment with the surgeon.

They will attend a pre-operative group session and will continue to receive input from the team whilst awaiting bariatric surgery.

Please see link for the UHCW leaflet about various bariatric operations.

Patients with complications after surgery elsewhere if unable to refer back to original healthcare provider.

Contact Details

Medical appointments: Medical Secretary Tel: 02476 965970

Dietetic appointments: Dietetic administrator Tel: 02476 966161

Bariatric queries: Bariatric Co-ordinator Tel: 02476 966994

Diabetes Specialist Nurses: 02476 965567

UHCW Bariatric Service Referral (previous bariatric surgery only)

This new service is a Referral Assessment Service and is called: Bariatric Service – RAS – General Surgery – UHCW – RKB Clinic Type ‘Upper GI inc Dyspepsia

Inclusion criteria

Patients who have had previous bariatric surgery (post-procedure) such as gastric band (in-situ or removed), gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy.

Commonly these patients may be experiencing, reflux, anaemia, malnutrition, difficulty swallowing, pain, vomiting, weight regain

Patients upon assessment will then put on a pathway that will take them to:

  • Nurse led clinic
  • Consultant Surgeon Clinic
  • Gastric Band Clinic
  • Specialist Weight Management Psychology
  • Specialist Weight Management Dietetics


Patients awaiting specialist weight management review or assessment
Patient with no history of previous weight loss / bariatric surgery
Cancer patients awaiting gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery

Pre-referral Investigations

  • Bloods:
  • HbA1c / fasting Glucose / U&E’s / Lipid Profile /TFTs / TSH / LFTs
Bariatric Surgery Post op Complications and Suggested Management

Advice for Patients

If you have had bariatric surgery or a gastric balloon procedure and are unable to tolerate any food or fluid please present to the emergency department at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital UHCW

If you have had a gastric balloon inserted and have a blue/green tinge to your urine, stool or vomit please present to the emergency department at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire Hospital UHCW

If you have had bariatric surgery or a gastric balloon procedure and are experiencing difficulty swallowing, reflux, vomiting, pain, constipation, fever or if you are otherwise concerned please seek advice from your GP

If you had your procedure under another provider, please also inform them


Additional Resources

Click on image to follow link to BOMSS GP Hub

Advice for GPs Please follow this link

Primary Care advice – follow this link to clinical resources published on British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society website

Patient Leaflets Information for People Thinking of Having Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgery


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