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Diabetic Eye Screening Service for Retinopathy


Diabetic retinopathy, also known as diabetic eye disease, is when damage occurs to the retina due to diabetes.

InHealth Intelligence Diabetic Eye Screening October 2023

A Screener taking a picture of the back (retina) of a woman's eye

For all diabetic patients over the age of 12 years

Since 2004 InHealth Intelligence has actively supported Diabetic Eye Screening Programmes (DESP) across the NHS in England

Managed Service

  • Our fully managed service covers all aspects of a quality DESP and is in full compliance with the national standards and best practice
  • Spectra - InHealth Intelligence's Diabetic Eye Screening (DESP) softwareBrowser-based diabetes register analytics to improve the accuracy of the registers
  • Cost-effective booking services including call and recall of patients for screening
  • Retinal screening / grading by trained and accredited professional staff
  • Innovative screening and surveillance software, Spectra
  • Grading of image sets at all levels
  • Automated referral for surveillance and Hospital Eye Service (HES) care
  • Provision of failsafe services
  • Patient centred website with a section for Healthcare Professionals
  • Provision of clinical leadership and internal quality assurance


Contact details:

Tel: 01270 765124

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