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Community Autism Support Service CASS



Coventry & Warwickshire Community Autism Support Service (CASS)

The new Community Autism Support Service has launched to provide more choice in the emotional and practical support for Coventry and Warwickshire residents who:

  • May self-identify as autistic
  • Await an autism assessment
  • Already have an autism diagnosis

Building on the familiar existing CASS (Community Autism Support Service) provision, this service will see new elements introduced as a result of feedback from autistic people, their families and coproduction activity with local residents

The service will also be easier to access using a single ‘front door’ approach

This will mean that access to this all-age service will be through a single phone number and dedicated website, which is available now

The service draws on the collective strengths of local organisations Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and Act for Autism, working in a collaborative partnership with Autism West Midlands

The main aim of the new CASS service is to be responsive to local need – providing better targeted support in the community

CASS aims to improve people’s understanding of autism and contribute to greater lived experience – helping to support self-esteem, confidence, relationships and to improve emotional wellbeing and mental health

First contact with CASS will be with the Navigation Service – a single phone number and email with a dedicated support team, available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm. The team will help with emotional support and, based on individual needs, they can signpost, provide information and, if required, identify further personalised support, as follows:

  • Community Outreach service

An experienced Coventry and Warwickshire-based team, working with individuals to identify goals and provide group, one-to-one and themed support for children, young people and adults

For more information click here

The group support for children and young people and the adult peer support groups can be accessed by self-referral through the Navigation service

For 1:1 support a referral is required from identified teams, more information on the referral process can be found here or by contacting the Navigation service on the below number

  • Peer Mentoring Service

This new element of CASS aims to connect autistic people with trained peer mentors, with their own lived-experience, helping to support with daily routines, confidence building, and wellbeing support, exploring opportunities to engage in local activities and social and community groups

For more information click here

Access to peer mentoring support is by referral from identified teams, more information on the referral process can be found here or by contacting the Navigation service see number below

  • Training and Education

A programme of courses and webinars to suit all needs

Workshops, toolbox sessions and recorded materials help build confidence and improve understanding of autism for families and carers and professionals working with autistic people, drawing on lived experience

All sessions and courses provide effective and practical support for day-to-day living, in the community, in school, and in the workplace

More information on the training offer can be found here where you can register to attend directly or by contacting the Navigation service

Contact Details CASS:

  • Telephone: Navigation Service support line (024) 76 012333  8am–8pm Monday–Friday
  • Website:  www.casspartnership.org.ukfor hosting information, guidance and signposting links and an online referral form
  • Email: navigation@casspartnership.org.uk
  • Social media: Updates and service news will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – search for@casspartnership

Collaborative partners:

Local mental health charity providing a range of services for children, young people and adults, including wellbeing hubs, one-to-one support, group-based interventions, workshops and community initiatives. Coventry and Warwickshire Mind have been delivering community autism support across Coventry and Warwickshire for children, young people, and adults, and their families and carers, for over two years

Founded in 2016 to create a greater awareness and understanding of autism, Act for Autism is a Community Interest Company (CIC) – a not-for-profit social enterprise. Act for Autism has been delivering training and education workshops and seminars for over seven years, supporting professionals and parents to confidently create empathetic connections

The leading charity in the West Midlands for people on the autism spectrum. Autism West Midlands staff and volunteers work across all age groups and abilities, providing specialist support and advice to autistic people of all ages and their families to build resilience, confidence, and skills to live as independently as possible

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