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Fire Service Safety Checks


What to do if you have concerns that a patient may be at high risk of having a fire in their home,

If you have any concerns that a patient may be at high risk of having a fire in their home your local Fire & Rescue Service offer free Home Safety Checks. In the West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) area, these are called Safe & Well Visits.  These visits involve Officers visiting the most vulnerable people in their homes, offering advice and fitting essential equipment when needed that can reduce the risk of injury and death from fire. Whilst carrying out a Safe & Well visit WMFS staff will also ask a range of health related questions and seek to make referrals to key providers. The aim of these visits is to not only reduce fire risk but also reduce and delay the need for acute Health and Social Care services.

So who is more at risk from fire?

Although the following list is not exhaustive, a person is at increased risk from fire if they have any of the following conditions/lifestyles:

  • Mental Health condition
  • Chaotic Lifestyle
  • Learning Difficulties/Dementia
  • Mobility/Physical Impairment
  • Has sensory loss (hearing or visually impaired)
  • Over 50
  • Takes prescription drugs
  • Substance misuse (Drugs & Alcohol)
  • Smokes
  • Has signs of previous fires (eg cigarette burns, cooking)
  • Live alone
  • Uses medical Oxygen

Although statistically people over 50 are no more likely to have a fire than the younger population, they are more likely to be severely injured or even die in a fire.

To refer to WMFS for a Safe & Well Visit see Floguidance and referral form in the right panel.

To make a referral for a Safe & Well Visit please use the contact details below

To make a referral to Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service please use the details below

Please click on the referral form in the right panel for adults and for WMFS Youth Service.

Please click here for an algorithm for GP referrals to WMFS.

(Visited 464 times, 40 visits today)

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