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Psychosis Teams


Psychosis is a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them.

Consultant Psychiatrist GP advice line   

If you are in doubt about a referral or you wish for any other advice including about medication then call 02476 967897 (between 9.45a.m.-4.30p.m. Monday to Friday)

Make a referral

For patients 14-65 with a first episode psychosis or ‘at risk mental state’, please see Checklist for At Risk Mental State (linked in right panel) and then visit the Early Intervention Gateway page (linked left).

For all other patients 17 years+ refer:

  • By phone directly on 08081 966798 option 1 (24hrs/7days p.w.)
  • By referral form (see right panel) and send by email to: referralseipcoventry@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Useful helplines for patients
  • Mental Health Matters (24hrs) 0800 616 171 or from mobile 0300 330 5487
  • Samaritans support line: 116 123 from any phone
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