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FWT Services – MAMTA


FWT is a Centre for Women based in Coventry who partners with CWPT. The two organisations provide support for women who are either having a baby, have a baby under the age of one, lost their baby or are pregnant after a loss



The aim of MAMTA is to improve Child and Maternal Health outcomes for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) women in Coventry.

MAMTA is FWT’s award winning Child and Maternal Health programme. FWT-a centre for women is Coventry’s leading women only organisations with 30+ years’ experience of supporting women in the city. MAMTA is commissioned by SWFT to  work directly with BAME groups in Coventry around Child and Maternal Health, and is part of the current 0-19 Family and Health and Lifestyle Service.

MAMTA functions:

  • Support antenatal clinics & postnatal clinics
  • Parent craft sessions at FWT
  • Work in partnership with midwives, health visiting teams and other health professionals in educating women on key health messages.
  • Work across community settings in target areas to educate women on Child and maternal health, encourage women to access services and book early into maternity services.


Foleshill Women’s Training FWT: 70-72 Elmsdale Avenue, Foleshill, Coventry CV6 6ES

Tel: 024 7663 7693

Email: office@fwt.org.uk

Website: For more information please visit the MAMTA website here.

Perinatal Mental Health – BAME Peer Support

Working alongside MAMTA and CWPT, the Perinatal Mental Health BAME Peer support women who are pregnant or have a child under the age of 2 and have low mood, are isolated, have anxiety or depression.

More serious cases are supported in being referred to the Perinatal Mental Team (PMHT) at CWPT.  However, all referrals to the PMHT are required to be made by a health professional and a completed Core 10 would also be required: Core 10 form link.pdf

The support provided to women is one to one, group sessions and signposting where necessary.  More details can be found on the following links: http://www.fwt.org.uk/health/perinatal-mental-health-project/

For more serious cases, more information on the Perinatal Mental Health Team in CWPT can be found on the following link: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/perinatal-mental-health-professionals/

CWPT Loss Pathway

The CWPT Loss pathway was launched in September 2021.

The Loss Pathway offers talking therapy and signposting for loss and trauma as well as peer support for those women who live in Coventry, Rugby, North or South Warwickshire and have experienced distress or moderate to severe mental health issues following:

  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth
  • Termination due to medical reasons
  • Death of infant prior to their second birthday

The team receives referrals from health professional who are required to complete the referral form on the following link and complete a core 10: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n6103.pdf&ver=8306

The team consists of Psychologists, CBT therapist, specialist midwife and Peer Support


Noreen Bukhari – Noreen.bukhari@fwt.org.uk for the MAMTA project / Perinatal Mental Health Peer Support

Gina AamodtLeeper – Gina.AamodtLeeper@covwarkpt.nhs.uk




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