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Occupational Therapy (Adult)


Occupational Therapists work with the person to enable them to overcome problems with essential routines and tasks by means of; introduction of a new way of completing task, practice of the task, provision of equipment and adaptations to a persons home.

About Adult & Social Care Occupational Therapy

  • OT can provide equipment for activities of daily living, e.g. a raised toilet seat
  • Home adaptations
  • Reduced anxiety and increased confidence
  • Assistance to carers
  • Signposting other useful services

GPs and Health Professionals should email a referral form.

Family members can refer by either email (in which case ASC will assist with the referral form) or they can refer by telephone

Please click here or see right-hand panel for Occupational Therapy referral form.

Contact for Adult and Social Care Team – First point of Contact for GPs and Medical Professionals

Adult and Social Care Customer Services
Coventry City Council
2nd Floor Broadgate House
Coventry – CV1 1FS

Telephone 024 76 833003
Fax 0121 615 3001 (even though Birmingham fax number it does go direct)

Email: ascdirect@coventry.gov.uk

Opal Assessment and Demonstration Centre

Opal has information about Parking Permits for people with disabilities.

Opal Assessment and Demonstration Centre, Unit 17-18 Bishopsgate Business Park, Widdrington Road, Coventry CV1 4NA.

Opening hours Monday –Thursday 09:30 to 16:30, Fridays 09:30 to 16:00. Tel 024 7678 5252


Telecare may be able to help if :

  • Worried about falling
  • Recently discharged from hospital and requiring additional support and assistance at home
  • Living alone
  • Caring for someone that needs extra help
  • Living with disabilities
  • Living with a long term health condition, for example dementia

Telecare can detect events such as:

  • Serious falls
  • Leaving the house and not returning
  • Fire and smoke
  • Flood
  • Carbon Monoxide leaks

For assistance with Telecare an email should be sent to telecare@coventry.gov.uk

Specialist Equipment

Equipment and Technology can help to support you or those you care for to manage day-to-day tasks. It can help to promote and maintain independence, build confidence, and provide peace of mind. There is a range of equipment and technology that can help if you are having difficulties at home with all the things you need to do every day. For example:

  • If you are having difficulty moving around your home grab rails, a stick or other equipment may make it easier for you
  • Equipment that could help you get on / off your toilet, chair or your bed
  • If cooking and using your kitchen is becoming difficult a trolley to carry food safely or a stool so that you can sit at the kitchen sink or work surface may help
  • If getting in/out of the bath or shower or just having a wash is proving difficult there is a range of equipment that could help

Specialist equipment is also available for people with a visual and/or hearing impairment

Information and advice

Information about equipment and technology is available on our Adult Social Care and Communities Information Directory

You can get information and advice at the Opal Assessment and Demonstration Centre. Occupational Therapists are available to demonstrate the latest equipment and to offer free advice about a range of possible solutions that may make everyday tasks easier for you. Please contact Adult Social Care for information and advice:024 7683 3003.

If any query related to Equipment please contact Integrated Community Equipment Service: 024 7678 5353.

You can complete an ONLINE SELF ASSESSMENT or ask for an assessment by contacting Adult Social Care Direct. You can do this yourself or ask your doctor or a family member to do it for you

Equipment is provided by Coventry Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES)

Equipment is provided to people who live in Coventry. Some items can be provided to people who live on the outskirts of Coventry and who have a Coventry based doctor/ GP

The equipment is usually delivered to your home and fitted by a skilled worker. If you prefer, you can collect items that do not need specialist fitting, such as pressure cushions and walking aids

Coventry Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) opening times:

Monday-Thursday from 8.30am to 5pm; and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm. Deliveries and collections are usually between 8.45am and 3.30pm

Equipment costs

The equipment is provided free and is loaned to you for as long as you need it, providing you have had a social care assessment

Whilst you have the equipment it is your responsibility to make sure it is looked after and well maintained. If it is damaged through normal wear and tear, you may be able to get a replacement free of charge

Report an equipment issue

  • If you have issues with hoisting equipment please contact 024 7683 2960 (this is also the number for the out of hours emergency service)
  • If you having issues with a pressure care mattress or hospital beds please contact Arjo Huntleigh on 0845 734 2000 2960 (this is also the number for the out of hours emergency service)

For issues with any other piece of equipment please contact Coventry Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) on 024 7678 5353.

Return equipment

Once you have finished with the equipment, you can contact Coventry Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) to arrange to have it collected, or bring it back to the service yourself.


Equipment Services

Address: Equipment Store
15 Bishopsgate Business Park
Widdrington Road

Telephone: 024 7678 5353


(Visited 7,872 times, 997 visits today)
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Information about services in Warwickshire is available on the Council website

Please follow this link

Occupational Therapy in Warwickshire

Occupational Therapy is part of the Integrated Care Service which comprises of the Hospital Social Care Team, Social Care Occupational Therapy and Re-ablement

The service is led by a Service Manager, all are county-wide services and all work very closely together

Occupational Therapy is provided across several services within Adult Social Care so there are plenty of opportunities to develop your knowledge, skills, and experience in practice as well as career progression:

  1. Personalisation
  2. Home Environment Assessment & Response Team (HEART)
  3. Reablement
  4. Integrated Community Equipment & Assistive Technology Service & Blue Badge Team
  5. Learning Disability
  6. Strategic Commissioning

Teams 1 and 4 are led by an Operations Manager North and South but all occupational therapy are professionally accountable to the Integrated Care Service Manager

Personalisation is the occupational therapy service made up of occupational therapists (OT) and occupational therapy assistants (OTA) who assess a customer in their home surroundings via technology or a face-to-face visit

The purpose of the assessment is to identify the long term needs of the customer using a strengths-based approach to find solutions which range from strategies to manage day to day tasks, the utilisation of community resources, or the loan of equipment. All customers who have complex moving and handling needs are offered an annual review to ensure the equipment and carers are meeting their needs and minimising emergencies

There are 3 teams covering the geographical area of Warwickshire each led by a Team Leader and comprising of OT’s and OTA’s

Home Environment Assessment & Response Team (HEART)

HEART is a partnership arrangement with our colleagues in the District and Borough Councils in Warwickshire

The occupational therapy staff are employed by Warwickshire County Council and seconded to HEART. The team is managed by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and comprises of occupational therapists and housing assessment officers (HAO)

The HAO was a new role developed a few years ago which combines the skills of an occupational therapy assistant and a housing officer

All members of the team have developed the skills of:

  • Assessing a person’s ability to undertake daily living tasks under the Care Act
  • Identifying the environmental barriers and suitability of the environment
  • Identifying housing hazards and poor living conditions
  • Finding solutions e.g., minor, and major adaptations, replacing guttering, floorboards etc

The occupational therapist’s practice is focused more on the complex customers where alternative accommodation or major adaptations are required as the service covers Warwickshire residents of all age.

Re-ablement service delivers an internal therapy programme for up to 6 weeks to enable a customer to regain their confidence and skills in daily living activities

Integrated Community Equipment & Assistive Technology Service & Blue Badge Team

The Integrated Community Equipment & Assistive Technology service is delivered by an external provider, but Warwickshire County Council has an internal OT team who provide clinical leadership, knowledge, and experience to support the prescribers, commissioners, and the provider to deliver a responsive and appropriate range of equipment and AT devices to meet the needs of customers.in addition, the team develop and deliver a range of training to support prescribers

The team also encompasses the delivery of the Independent Mobility Assessment for Blue Badge applicants through either technology or face to face contact

Learning Disability

There are several OT practitioners (OT and OTA) who deliver specialist assessments and interventions within our Learning Disability team

The practitioners work closely with the social workers and social care practitioners with individual customers in all types of living accommodation e.g., supported living, own or family homes. The OTs are accredited in the delivery of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS).

Strategic Commissioning

We have one post currently within our strategic commissioning service which is an exciting development. The post supports are commissioners in their work with providers of care homes and domiciliary care by providing specialist knowledge in improving quality of practice in areas such as moving and handling, equipment and enabling customers to be as independent as possible

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