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Wheelchair Requests & Repairs


Information about wheelchair services in Coventry and Warwickshire

(Visited 4,502 times, 440 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  
Wheelchair Coventry

This service is provided by UHCW and no longer provided by CWPT

Contact details:

Newfield House,  Kingfield Road, Coventry, CV1 4DW

Tel: 024 7623 7055

Email: Coventry.Wheelchairservice@uhcw.nhs.uk

The Wheelchair service manages the needs assessment, procurement, supply, delivery, maintenance, collection, storage, decontamination and disposal of wheelchairs and associated equipment.

Wheelchairs range from highly sophisticated pieces of equipment with integrated micro-technology to basic chairs for occasional use.

The service covers a broad spectrum of wheelchairs and associated equipment to children and adults with long term mobility needs who fit the criteria.

This can be a person who has a single low-cost wheelchair to those with a complex, high-cost and continually changing need.

This service is accessed through referral from a professional.

Please call the Wheelchair Service for more information or visit the Wheelchair Services website.

Anyone referred into the Wheelchair Service will be required to complete a form and return it with evidence that they live in the UK.

If the patient does not return this within four weeks, they will be discharged with a letter sent to their referrer and GP outlining the reason for the discharge.

The onus is on the patient to provide evidence that they are eligible for free NHS treatment. The Trust has access to various mechanisms to confirm a person’s eligibility.

If a patient is not eligible, the Trust can still treat them, however they will need payment prior to treatment or issue of a wheelchair.This may be in the form of providing an EHIC card, travel insurance details or direct payment.

Exclusions to the above will currently apply where a hospital discharge would not be possible without a wheelchair to move around indoors. Some end of life care is also out of scope, depend on clinical judgement. In these cases, the Trust will continue to assess and supply treatment, but charges will be made after forms are received if patients are not eligible for free NHS healthcare.

Further guidance can be found on www.nhs.uk/movingtoEngland.

Coventry Wheelchair Referral Form

Click here for form

Wheelchair Repairs and Maintenance

Click here


Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Warwickshire Wheelchair

What we do

We provide children, young people, and adults with long-term substantial and permanent mobility needs in their home environment, with a prescribed wheelchair. We also assess and provide postural support and pressure-relieving accessories.

All wheelchairs supplied by us can be repaired by the Warwickshire Wheelchair Repair Service.

Contact and location

Warwickshire Wheelchair Service
Leamington Hospital
Heathcote Lane
CV34 6SR
Contact: Tel 01926 317723 Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00 excluding public holidays

Warwickshire Wheelchair Repair Service (Invacare)
Unit 7 Spartan Close
Titan Business Centre
Tachbrook Park
CV34 6RR

Contact Tel 0800 0742330  Monday to Friday 08:00 -17:00 excluding public holidays

On-call emergency service 07:00-23:00 seven days a week, including public holidays for those clients who are at risk if the repair is delayed until the next day


Warwickshire Wheelchair Service are using electronic referral forms from the 16th November 2020 .

Health professionals can request a personalised electronic referral form which must be saved, as it is populated with the health professional’s details.

This form should be used for each referral the professional makes to the wheelchair service going forward. It will not be necessary to request a new form for each new referral made. The referral form is password protected for security purposes.

You will need access to the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC in order to open and complete the eReferral form.

To make a referral into Warwickshire Wheelchair Service you must be a qualified health professional and you will need to have a personalised PDF e-referral form.

To obtain one of these please contact the admin team on 01926 317723 or e-mail wheelchairs@swft.nhs.uk to request a referral form to be sent out to you.

Referral Criteria

Referrals must meet the following criteria:

  • Registered with a Warwickshire GP and is a permanent resident.
  • Client requires a wheelchair for mobility in their own home environment because of either a permanent mobility need, or a semi-permanent need lasting for more than 6 months.
  • Client is able to demonstrate that they will require the use of the wheelchair for their mobility needs within their home environment on a regular basis; at least 4 days a week.
  • The family and carers would benefit from the provision of a wheelchair to enable them to care for the person in the home environment.




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