Cold homes can have serious impacts on people’s health, particularly those with pre-existing health conditions such as COPD, heart disease, arthritis, cancer and mental health conditions.
It can also have serious impacts on young children, affecting their development and educational attainment, in addition to increasing their risk of suffering from respiratory problems. An estimated 10 – 30% of all excess winter deaths are due to people living in cold homes.
Further to this, cold homes are also often damp homes.
Coventry Guidance
Coventry City Council’s Affordable Warmth Team
Coventry City Council’s Affordable Warmth Team can advise people on how they can save money on their energy bills and stay warmer in their homes. This is done through home visits, telephone support, local surgeries and website advice. We can advise people on grants available for heating and insulation measures, switching to cheaper gas and electricity, bill and meter queries, energy debt and saving energy in the home.
This is a free service open to all Coventry residents.
The service accepts staff and self-referrals for support on 024 7683 2330 or by email energy.matters@coventry.gov.uk
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance
Warm and Well in Warwickshire
To support households whose health is at risk from living in cold/damp homes. Through the provision of advice/support and ongoing referrals for physical measures.
Please visit the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Portal for more information on the Warm and Well in Warwickshire scheme.
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