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Speciality: Community Services
Children & Young People’s Occupational Therapy Service (Coventry) / Integrated Disability Service (Warwickshire)

Formerly Child Development Service (CDS)
Community Ambulatory Service (ECG – Holter and Event Recorder)

Community Ambulatory Electrocardiogram (ECG) service has been developed for Holter monitoring and Event Recording
Community ENT Clinic (Community Assessment Service CAS)

Information about the services provided by our community ENT specialties
Community Gynaecology Clinics (Community Assessment Service CAS)

Information about the services provided by our community gynaecologists.
Community Nursing and Therapy Team

NEW EMAIL ADDRESS SEPTEMBER 2024 Community Nursing Team works jointly with a patients' GP and other health care professionals within a GP Network to deliver care and treatment in a patients' home, or residential care home
Continence Services

Continence Services are specialist teams providing support and medical advice for people with bowel or bladder incontinence.
Coventry & Warwickshire Community Dermatology Service – Adult

A community based service for advice, management and education in common skin conditions
Dementia – Admiral Nurse Service

Coventry and Rugby have an Admiral nurse service in conjunction with the NHS Coventry and Rugby CCG, Dementia UK and Coventry University.
Dementia POP Up Clinics (Dementia Navigators) & Dementia Connect Service

The Dementia Pop Up Clinics run by the Alzheimer’s Society offer appointments at practices across Coventry and Rugby.
Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic violence includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members.
Enuresis (Paediatric)

“Bedwetting is a widespread and distressing condition that can have a deep impact on a child or young person's behavior, emotional wellbeing and social life. It is also very stressful for the parents or carers. The prevalence of bedwetting decreases with age. Bedwetting less than 2 nights a week has a prevalence of 21% at about 4 and a half years and 8% at 9 and a half years. More frequent bedwetting is less common and has a prevalence of 8% at 4 and a half years and 1.5% at 9 and a half years.” (NICE 2010)
Exercise & Healthy Lifestyle for Families

Whatever your age, there's strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier and even happier life.
Family Health & Lifestyles Service

Provision of health visitor services, infant feeding support, family support, school nursing, family weight programmes, smoking support in pregnancy, and support for pregnant black & minority ethnic groups in Coventry
Family Nurse Partnership FNP

Family Nurse Partnership - a support programme for young first time parents
Hoarding Disorder

A specialist Occupational Therapy led service, providing holistic assessments, interventions, and practical and psychological support to individuals who compulsively hoard.
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) and Diabetes Care

Personalised support to reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes including education on healthy eating and lifestyle, help to lose weight and physical exercise programmes
NHS Eye Care Services

The service has been developed to divert patients away from GP practices to an eye care professional able to see and treat many common eye conditions, helping to release GP capacity.
Occupational Therapy (Adult)

Occupational Therapists work with the person to enable them to overcome problems with essential routines and tasks by means of; introduction of a new way of completing task, practice of the task, provision of equipment and adaptations to a persons home.
Pain Management Services (Coventry & Rugby)

Connect Health Pain Service works with each patient to support them in finding the most effective and evidence-based approach to improving their ability to manage their pain on a day-to-day basis.

Podiatrists are health care professionals who have been trained to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs.
School Health & Wellbeing Service

About School Nursing. School nurses work across education and health, providing a link between school, home and the community.
Smoking and Mental Health

People with severe and enduring mental health conditions are much more likely to smoke and inhale more aggressively.
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Speech and Language Therapists support children’s speech, language and communication.
Urgent Community Response (UCR) Service

The UCR Service - an NHS alternative to sending an ambulance, helping people to stay at home, using clinical practitioners including paramedics, therapists and nurses to deliver an urgent two hour crisis response and/or reablement response within two days to avoid hospital admission.The UCR service differs from the Paramedic Acute Visiting (PAVs) in offering wrap-around care and monitoring (and may require GP liaison for prescribing)
Warm and Well

Cold homes have a significant impact on people's health. One of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm.
Weight Management (Adults)

Developing healthy eating habits while using tips that will keep us fuller longer can be useful tools in weight management.
West Midlands Ambulance Service – Patient Transport Services

WMAS provides PTS covering Coventry & Warwickshire. This includes patients registered with GPs in Coventry & Rugby, South Warwickshire and Warwickshire North, and who are eligible for transport, through the region and the rest of the UK.
West Midlands Child and Young Person Sexual Assault Service and Blue Sky Centre (SARC)

SARCs offer free and confidential support and information to anyone from the age of 5 who has been affected by sexual violence.