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Weight Management (families)


Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle.

Around one in 10 4-5 year olds and 1 in 5 10-11 year olds are obese; and in excess of 80% of obese children become obese adults.

Evidence demonstrates that multi-component (featuring diet, physical activity and behaviour change support) family-based interventions are effective in reducing obesity levels among children.

(Visited 1,521 times, 102 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  

Coventry’s family weight management programme is delivered by the City Council’s Be Active Be Healthy Service. The service provides a 10-week group-based weight management programme called One Body One Life. Programme are run at various venues around the city and weekly attendance from at least one parent and any children at risk of obesity is required

Patients eligible for support from this service:

  • Will have at least one child aged below 11 years who is overweight or obese (ie. above 92nd BMI centile) or at risk of obesity due to one or both parents being obese (BMI 30+).
  • Resident in Coventry or registered to a Coventry GP
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Services for Physical Activity and Weight Management in Rugby

Please visit the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Portal for more information on services for Physical Activity and Weight Management in Rugby

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