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Samaritans provide a 24 hour 7 day a week service for anyone who is finding it hard to cope in Coventry & Rugby


The referral scheme has been running for well over a decade, mainly in partnership with the Coventry & Warwickshire Crisis Teams and Community Mental Health Teams.

We are now expanding our reach further with our partners, to ensure we are here to support anyone who our referral partners believe are in distress and despair, and would benefit from talking to us.

Self Referral

Samaritans provide a 24 hour 7 day a week service for anyone who is finding it hard to cope.

We provide confidential emotional support to anyone who you feel may benefit from contact with us.

We do not provide counselling or advice, so the scheme works as an addition to (not a replacement for) professional intervention.

Samaritans can be contacted by anyone in Coventry & Rugby via phone on 116123, via email jo@samaritans.org, or face to face at our branch 57 Moor Street, Earlsdon, Coventry.

Our listening service really helps people to express their inner most thoughts and feelings in a safe confidential environment.

We support people to find their own solutions, after all it is their mental health.  All our listeners are extensively trained in supporting callers.

We know we make a difference, only the other week at an outreach event in Broadgate Coventry an ex caller approached us to thank us and said ‘I would not be here, if it wasn’t for you.’

Please pass on our details to any patient of any age who you believe could benefit from talking to us, as we are always here for anyone who is in distress and despair.

Referral from Primary Care

For our NHS colleagues we run a referral system if they believe that a patient of any age is really struggling, and is at risk of taking their own life.

We will contact the patients for up to the next seven days at a time of their choosing to talk to them for as long as they need.

We are there for our callers and listen to everything they have to say.

This referral system has been set up to compliment other mental health services provided by CWPT.

Referring people is quick and easy: follow the link on the right or click here


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