About Myton Hospices
Our services continue to evolve post Covid 19 and the links below will take you to our website which holds the most up to date information.
Please contact our referrals team by phone on 01926 838889 for any further information.
Warwick & Coventry Inpatient Units
We currently have 12 beds open at Coventry and Warwick.
The best way to make a referral is by telephone on 01926 838889
The services we provide staying at the myton hospices inpatient unit for patients and families
Patient and Carer Wellbeing Service
The Myton Hospice’s Patient & Carer Wellbeing Service works with patients, families and carers to support you to improve your wellbeing and quality of life.
The service is available to any adult aged 18+ living with or caring for someone with a life limiting disease who needs specialist support, information, guidance, or help planning for the future, or who just needs a coffee and a chat.
We aim to be alongside you for as long as possible, supporting you and your families/carers as your needs change.
The services we provide – patient and carer wellbeing service
Myton Hospices Telephone Support Line
Clinical nurse specialists provide informational support via the Support Line, covering topics like end of life signs, symptom management, healthcare professional support, and nutrition
They offer general information with a clear disclaimer that this is not personalised medical advice, and will appropriately signpost individuals to their direct care team when necessary

Myton at Home
Many people want to have choice over where they are cared for in the last weeks and days of life.
Often people wish to stay in familiar surroundings and we have a team of experienced nurses and care staff providing care for people in their own homes.
This service is available in Rugby, Warwick and Leamington.
To find out more about Myton at Home please call the team on 01788 551 516 .
Warwick & Leamington – click on image

Spiritual and Pastoral Care
The Spiritual and Pastoral Care Service at Myton is delivered in partnership with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.
The Chaplaincy team is made up of Chaplains and volunteers from a wide breadth of cultural and faith/no-faith backgrounds.
Members of the team are trained to be careful and compassionate listeners, and offer confidential, non-judgemental support regardless of denomination, culture or ethnicity.
The same support is offered both to patients, and to any family members or friends who might find it helpful.
For more information please call 01926 838897 (ext. 391)
Fatigue & Breathlessness Service
With MRC Dyspnoea grading of 3 or more:
- Walks slower than others on level ground because of breathlessness, or has to stop for breath when walking at own pace
- Stops for breath after walking about 100m or after a few minutes on level ground 3
- Too breathless to leave the house, or breathless when dressing or undressing
- Improve participants’ confidence in managing their breathlessness and fatigue
- Reduce the frustration when breathlessness and fatigue limit function and ability
- Develop understanding of the benefits of exercise
- Increase participants’ confidence and resilience, helping to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions
- Day Hospice at Coventry Myton Hospice on Tuesday mornings (10.30am – 12.30pm)
- Six-week course; participants can attend the first session with a partner or carer if they wish, the remaining five weeks are for participants only
- Involves small groups of participants (up to 10)Multi-disciplinary team from Myton and the Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT), and includes a Physiotherapist, an Occupational Therapist, a Senior Nurse and a Consultant
Fatigue and breathlessness management programme
Lymphoedema Service
Based at Warwick Myton Hospice for patients of Coventry, Rugby and South Warwickshire.
For management of lymphoedema secondary to cancer and/or its treatment, with the aim of reducing and relieving symptoms of lymphoedema.
The swelling can affect arms, legs, body, head or genitals, and may cause heaviness, pain, tightness, loss of function, dry/hardened skin and make the patient more susceptible to episodes of cellulitis (inflammation of the tissues).
For more information please call 01926 838 806 or email Lymphoedema.clinic@mytonhospice.org
Myton Counselling Service
The Myton Hospices Contact details:
Coventry Myton Hospice Clifford Bridge Rd, Coventry West Midlands, CV2 2HJ
Tel: 02476 841 900
Rugby Myton Support Hub
Barby Rd, Rugby Warwickshire, CV22 5PY Tel:01788 550 085
Warwick Myton Hospice
The Myton Hospices, Myton Ln Warwick, CV34 6PX Tel: 01926 492 518
Information on completion of referral form (click here or see right)
Link to general referral form (click here or see right)
See areas covered (click link)
Nurse led bed referral service
Children & Teen Support
When children and young people are living with someone who is very ill or when someone special dies they may feel lonely, angry, confused, guilty, sad or isolated.
- One-to-one counselling
- Help support and educate the parent/carer on how they can help support their child/ren through this difficult time
- Rainbow Ripples and MyTeens support groups
Rainbow Ripples (aged 5-12 years)
- Weekend workshops for recently bereaved children between the ages 5 – 12 years old, held in a local school in Warwick over a Saturday and Sunday.
- Hospice staff and trained volunteers run the group. You can meet other people of similar age and in a similar situation and, if you want, you can talk to them about what has happened.
- Creative activities / games
- Time to be with and talk with other children who are experiencing the same situation, with hospice staff and trained facilitators
- MyTeens Group (aged 12-18 years)
- Activities, e.g. laser quest, wall climbing, bowling etc.
Information for adults
- As a parent / carer you can come along with your child on the Sunday of the Rainbow Ripples workshop (separate group to the children).
- Sunday morning provides an opportunity to meet the team, see the progress your child has made and meet other parents/carers who themselves are adjusting to a different way of life as a family.
- Parents/carers who attend have formed their own support group, they offer support and an invite to a pub lunch to newcomers.
- The main carer of the children must give their consent for them to attend. Rainbow Ripples and MyTeens are completely FREE.
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