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Follow link to NHS Talking Therapies webpage
NHS Talking Therapies operates as a collaboration between Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust and Coventry and Warwickshire Mind. It is a free NHS service to help people with mild, moderate and moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and low mood
If you are currently registered with a GP in Coventry, Warwickshire or Solihull and are over the age of 16 years old and suffering with low mood and anxiety you can also self-refer by filling in the form via the link below

PLEASE NOTE this form will only be replied to if you are referring yourself into the service. To change or cancel an appointment, find out where you are on the waiting list or for any other queries, please call 02476 671 090
Submit the referral using the link below:

NHS Talking Therapies
Provides structured psychological therapies for people aged 16 and above registered with a GP, who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety related disorders and/or depression, and who are likely to benefit from brief psychological therapy
Provide individual and group psychological therapies (eg cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling for depression) in accordance with NICE guidelines for common mental health problems
All referrals are screened to confirm that NHS Talking Therapies is the most appropriate treatment pathway
The patient is offered an assessment with one of our clinical staff either over the phone or through a secure video link
Where not the most appropriate service, we offer signposting to other services, based on the needs identified at screening or assessment
We are not a crisis service
Referral Criteria for NHS Talking Therapies
Mild to moderate mental health issues including the following:
- Depression
- Panic Disorder
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Health Anxiety
- Social Phobia
- Specific Phobia
- Single incident PTSD
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Insomnia
- Low Self-Esteem
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
- Anxiety/ depression in people with long term health conditions
- Post-natal anxiety/depression
- Mild to moderate Trichotillomania (TTM)
- Long Term Conditions (e.g. Diabetes / Respiratory Disorders) – related to anxiety and / or depression
Referral requirements
- Motivated to attend and engage in regular psychological therapy
- A low level of risk to self and others
Inappropriate referrals
Treatment for people with the following difficulties cannot be offered as they are unlikely to benefit from the brief, structured interventions we provide:
- Aged under 16 – refer to CAMHS.
- Drug use / Alcohol use as primary or a significant problem. or level of misuse likely to prevent engagement in regular psychological therapy. Refer to drug / alcohol service.
- Recent and significant forensic history: refer to forensic services or SCMH as appropriate.
- Immediate and active risk of harm to self/ current suicidal intent or recent suicide attempt or still in crisis. refer to SCMH / CRHT /
- Immediate and active risk of harm to self or others or recent history of violence:
- Where primary motive is to seek a report, but no real identified desire / motivation to engage with therapy.
- Client is currently psychotic or has had a recent history of psychosis.
- Anger is the presenting problem with little evidence of depression and / or anxiety.
- Service user is requesting an intervention for Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA).
- A diagnosed Personality disorder or personality traits or significant level of personality dysfunction that would make engagement in a brief psychological intervention likely to be ineffective, unhelpful and contravene NICE guidance
- ADHD is the primary problem and has a significant effect on functioning.
- Currently a SCMH patient.
- Moderate to severe learning disability: refer to learning disability services.
- Service user is requesting treatment for a learning disability: refer to the learning disability service.
- Complex needs requiring multi-disciplinary input or longer-term psychological input e.g. severe OCD, chronic agoraphobia, complex PTSD (i.e. repeated/ongoing trauma; victims of significant torture).
- Significant psychosocial or physical health factors which prevent engagement in regular psychological therapy and/or requiring MDT input (e.g. where there are ongoing physical health investigations.).
- Where ongoing home visits are required.
Telephone & Referral Centre – TaRC
Wellington Gardens
Windsor Street, Spon End
Coventry CV1 3BT
Telephone: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Kingfield Road
Telephone (for existing clients): 02476 324 370
Telephone for new referrals: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Clinic Drive
CV11 5TY
Telephone (for existing clients): 02476 018 581
Telephone for new referrals: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Woodside Park
CV21 2AW
Telephone (for existing clients): 01788 513 700
Telephone for new referrals: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Brooklands Hospital
Coleshill Road
Marston Green
B37 7HJ
Telephone (for existing clients): 01217 284 895
Telephone for new referrals: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
1st Floor, Building 2
Arden Street
Stratford upon Avon
CV37 6NQ
Telephone (for existing clients): 0300 303 1918
Telephone for new referrals: 02476 671 090
Email: talkingtherapies@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Mental Health Access Hubs
Caludon Centre (Coventry)
St Michael’s Hospital, Warwcick (South Warwickshire)
Manor Site, Avenue House, Nuneaton (North Warwickshire and Rugby)
Tel: 08081 966798 (Freephone, 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Description: Mental Health Access Hubs provide access to all adult mental health services. A team member will explore and triage the nature of your crisis with you and, if appropriate, will make arrangements for a clinician to meet with you. The team comprises a range of experienced NHS staff and clinicians with specific expertise in crisis and de-escalation interventions. The Mental Health Access Hubs have access to services across Coventry and Warwickshire which can support and advise you. Visit the Mental Health Access Hub webpage to find out more about how they work
Talking Therapies and Chronic Diseases
41% of people living with diabetes experience emotional or psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and emotional distress. See : Living Well with Diabetes leaflet
Sufferers of respiratory conditions are approximately twice as likely to suffer with anxiety and depression and up to 10 times more likely to experience panic attacks than the general population. See: Respiratory Conditions leaflet
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