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West Midlands Child and Young Person Sexual Assault Service and Blue Sky Centre (SARC)


SARCs offer free and confidential support and information to anyone from the age of 5 who has been affected by sexual violence.

West Midlands Child and Young Person Sexual Assault Service

Website: westmidsregionalcypsas.co.uk

Our regional service cares for children from birth to 17 years old and 18 to 25-year-olds who present with complex needs

Our helpline 0330 233 0099 or 0808 196 2340 is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year


Call now for referrals, making appointments, advice and support

Professional referrals: report what happened to the police or contact us directly on0808 1962340


This regional service provides medical care and support to children, young people and their families or carers in:

  • Birmingham and Solihull
  • The Black Country
  • Coventry and Warwickshire
  • Herefordshire and Worcestershire
  • Shropshire
  • Telford and Wrekin
  • Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent



Our comprehensive range of services include:

  • Immediate crisis support
  • Comprehensive history taking and risk assessment
  • Forensic Medical Examination
  • Holistic Examination (non-recent cases: 22 days onwards following assault)
  • Injury check
  • Access to pregnancy testing, emergency contraception
  • HIV PEP risk assessment & Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Sexual health screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • Referral to local GUM services (over 13s)
  • Access to specialist counselling support
  • Access to an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) to provide practical and emotional support during the investigation process
  • Onward referral to GPs to follow up on any physical or mental health needs identified during examination
  • All children and young people who attend our service will be safeguarded

Under 13s:

All children under the age of 13 must be referred to us by Police or Social Care. If an examination is required, then we will require Police and Social Care to be present onsite.


Young people who are 13 and over and are Gillick competent can refer to us without Police involvement (self refer). This allows us to provide all the services and support mentioned previously and we can preserve forensic evidence for up to 2 years


Support Provided


Further advice

  • Please visit our website at https://westmidsregionalcypsas.co.uk/ you can download useful leaflets for professionals, children and families to help them to prepare for a visit to SARC
  • In acute cases where possible, please advise CYP’s to refrain from washing, brushing teeth etc, dependant on the type of assault, this will help to retain forensic evidence
  • Consideration should be given to clothing, sanitary wear, toilet tissue, bedding or any other items or objects that may support a forensic opportunity





















Supporting the victims of Rape or Serious Sexual Assault

Call Blue Sky Centre on 0800 970 0370 All calls are confidential

If you are at immediate risk of harm CALL 999

Help and support if you are:

I am a Woman

Friends & Family


Our centre provides a service to men and women who have experienced rape or sexual assault.

All Blue Sky Centre clients are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of gender identity, age, ethnicity, ability or sexuality.

We understand that accessing support for sexual abuse can be incredibly difficult for anyone, but for those from black and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ and people who have physical, learning or mental difficulties, there are often extra barriers that may make you feel unable to reach out for support.


We provide advice and online resources to help you offer the right support and advice to your service users.
Blue Sky Centre is here 24/7, 365 days a year to offer you information and guidance if someone discloses to you that they have been raped or sexually assaulted, regardless of when it happened.



(Visited 2,173 times, 267 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  

Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC)

Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) offers free and confidential support and information to anyone from the age of 5 who has been affected by sexual violence, no matter when or how it happened. CRASAC also provide support to parents, partners, supporters and professionals. 

CRASAC provide a confidential helpline, crisis and advocacy support and counselling services to men, women and children, as well as those who are supporting someone who has experienced rape or sexual abuse. 

Eligibility is as follows:

  • Adult counselling can be accessed by any survivor or supporter (e.g. partner or carer) aged 18 or over
  • Children and young people’s counselling can be accessed by people of any gender aged 5-18.
  • Crisis and advocacy support can be accessed by people of any gender aged 11 years and over.

Open Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am – 3pm

Our Information Line is the first point of contact for anyone who would like more information on the specialist sexual violence support services available.

Both self-referrals and professional referrals can be made by calling 024 7627 7777

Rape Crisis England & Wales also run a National Helpline on 0808 802 9999 for confidential emotional support and referral information along with a one-to-one Live Chat service.

Self-referrals are encouraged and can be made through CRASAC’s helpline (02476 27777) which is open Monday to Friday 10am – 2pm, Monday and Thursday evenings 6pm – 8pm and has a 24 hour answerphone facility.

They can also be made via email to helpline@crasac.org.uk.

Professionals can also refer into the service but it is recommended that:

  • You have spoken to the person about CRASAC and who they are
  • They are aware that you are making the referrals and why
  • You have their permission to contact CRASAC and for CRASAC to contact them directly.

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