About the Service
The Adult Neurodevelopmental Service have seen a significant demand (above the capacity to provide) for diagnostic assessments for Autism and ADHD
Waiting time for new referrals coming into the service may exceed 3-5 years
We are unable to provide updates to individuals or GPs regarding waiting list times, as these can fluctuate depending on the needs of each person
In addition, the team do not have any prioritisation criteria, and therefore any requests to expedite appointments cannot be considered
Referrals can be sent to:
Email: AdultNeurodevelopmental.Team@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Postal Address:
Adult Neurodevelopmental Service, Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Longford, Coventry CV6 6NY
CWPT delivered multi-disciplinary diagnostic assessment, focused post-diagnostic support and signposting for neurodevelopmental disorders
Interventions include psycho-educational (autism, emotional regulation, communication and sensory processing) and via group and individual therapy where necessary.
Specialist interventions will be time limited and appropriate in meeting the needs of specific individuals with neuro-developmental disorders.
Includes post-diagnostic support in accordance with NICE guidance for better outcomes and mitigating the risk of admission
Further Information
Click here for pathway information
GP Referral Process
Two forms have been added to the referral form box (see right) for GPs to ask patients to complete. These forms have been specifically designed for patients to take away and complete with examples. Please note: these forms are an optional extra but will help considerably with a referral narrative.
a) Autism Assessment Referral
- Adult ≥17 years
- Registered with Coventry or Rugby GP
- No previous diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) including as a child
- No private Autism diagnosis
- Not currently under the care of Acute or Community Mental Health Services
- No known Learning Disability
- AQ10 Autism Questionnaire score > 6 with referral: click or see right Link to AQ10
- Clear narrative from GP or individual regarding impact of experience, including from early childhood, in areas such as education, employment and relationships
- Adult ≥17 years
- Registered with Coventry or Rugby GP
- No previous diagnosis of ADHD including as a child
- Not currently under the care of Acute or Community Mental Health Services
- No known Learning Disability
- Completed ADHD Self Report Scale Form with referral Link to Adult ADHD Self Report Scale ASRSv1.1
- patient to complete part A & B of symptom checklist
- part A: score >4 highly consistent with adult ADHD and further investigation warranted
- part B: frequency scores provide further symptom sensitivity
- Clear narrative from GP or individual regarding impact of experience, including from early childhood, in areas such as education, employment and relationships
Required Referral Information
Case management / care coordination is NOT provided
Autism Referrals | ADHD Referrals |
Significant functional impairment in two or more areas (family life, work, education, self care, social life)
One or more of the following:
Plus one or more of the following:
Significant functional impairment in two or more areas (family life, work, education, self care, social life, risk taking)
Inattention (eg forgetfulness, difficulty listening, disorganisation, distractibility, poor attention, poor concept of time, poor attention to detail, procrastination, loses important things, poor finisher completer) and / or Hyperactivity (eg fidgety, restless, excessive talking, over scheduling, poor sleep) Impulsivity (eg blurting out answers , difficulty waiting a turn, interrupting, poor frustration tolerance, prone to addiction, reckless driving, ending jobs / relationships abruptly, anger) Symptoms must have been present in childhood into adulthood. Impairment must be in 2 domains i.e. education / employment, relationships and friendships |
Community Autism Support Service (CASS) all ages
Follow link here for CASS GP Gateway page
Click on image below for printable version

CWICB Alternative Providers (September 2024)
In accordance with the patient choice guidelines, the GP can refer directly to the Rights To Choice RTC provider where they hold an NHS Standard Contract with an ICB or NHSE England, without seeking prior approval from CWICB
The legal rights to choice (RTC) of mental health provider and team apply when:
- the patient has an elective referral for a first outpatient appointment
- the patient is referred by a GP
- the referral is clinically appropriate
- the service and team are led by a consultant or a mental healthcare professional
- the provider has a commissioning contract with any Integrated Care Board (ICB) or NHS England for the required service
Full guidance can be found here
CWICB currently only holds a contract with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust (CWPT) to provide Neurodevelopmental Services locally
There is currently no national system that allows CWICB to have access to a list of all providers accredited by other ICBs or NHS England to provide Neurodevelopmental Services
Further information for GP surgeries can be found on the GP clinical intranet here
LeDeR Programme – Notification of Deaths of Autistic Adults (with or without learning disability)
Update March 2022
The LeDeR programme is now taking notifications for autistic adults who have died, who did not have a learning disability. Please find attached a briefing note outlining the criteria.

The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme is a world-first.
The first national programme of its kind aimed at making improvements to the lives of people with learning disabilities.
The University of Bristol is one of the partners in the programme, which is funded and run by NHS England.
Reviews of deaths are being carried out with a view to improve the standard and quality of care for people with learning disabilities.
People with learning disabilities, their families and carers have been central to developing and delivering the programme.
Aim is to support the review of all deaths of all people with a learning disabilities aged 4 and over regardless of if the death was expected or not.
Enables the identification of good practice and what can be improved.
Anyone – professionals, family members or carers can notify the LeDeR programme of a death.
This can be done by phone 0300 7774 774 or by filling in required details on the LeDeR website. (follow link)
Update March 2022
The LeDeR programme is now taking notifications for autistic adults who have died, who did not have a learning disability. Please find attached a briefing note outlining the criteria.
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