Crisis Management for all age groups April 2024
People of all ages (children and adults) living in Coventry and Warwickshire are now be able to access urgent mental health support directly via NHS 111, 24/7, 365 days/year
Our local mental health crisis line, managed by Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust can now be accessed via NHS 111 and selecting ‘mental health option’
The extension of the 111 service means people who are experiencing a mental health crisis will be able to dial the NHS urgent medical advice number (111), and by choosing ‘mental health option’ will be put through to a member of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s local crisis service
Until now, many people in mental health crisis didn’t know which number to call or who to turn to for help
Anyone can call for themselves or someone else can call for them, for example a friend, carer, family member or GP. NHS 111 is for all ages, including children and young people and those with neurodevelopmental needs
If people have physically harmed themselves, or if their life is at immediate risk, then they should continue to call 999 or go to A&E
Please note:
- The NHS111 line is for self-referrals of people in a mental health crisis; this is not for routine mental health support for people not in crisis.
- For all non-crisis mental health referrals please refer adults (aged 18 or over) by email to MHReferrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk or for children and young people (aged under 18 years old) by emailing to Rise.Referrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
- GP’s making a referral for someone of any age experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 08081 966798 (*correct number)
- Any person who feel they are in a mental health crisis, should call NHS 111. They can call the Mental Health Access Hub on 08081 966798 (*correct number)
Other alternatives:
- The Coventry and Warwickshire Mental Wellbeing Line is available for anyone aged 16 or above who feels they are feeling low, anxious or stressed, are having a difficult time coping, and need to talk to someone in confidence to find the right service Tel: 0800 616171
- Coventry and Warwickshire Dear Life website for details of organisations which can help
- Coventry and Warwickshire Dear Life : Support for young people for details of organisations which can help children and young people aged under 18 who are feeling low, anxious or stressed or are having a difficult time coping
- NHS 111 – SignVideo. for people who are deaf or have hearing loss, the following link to be connected to local crisis service
- NHS 111 online: 111.nhs.uk
Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams (formerly known as Mental Health Access Hubs) for Coventry and Warwickshire
Please email all adult mental health referrals into your local Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Team: mhreferrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk using the attached form.
When making a referral, please ensure you include all patient demographics accurately.
Referrals will be processed between the hours of Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm (excluding weekends and bank holidays).
If you feel your referral is urgent or outside of these hours, please call 08081 966798 and select Option 1 for adult mental health (after all options have been read out)
Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams are responsible for clinically triaging all patients and dealing with those in urgent need of care.
There are no changes to how patients are referred into secondary care mental health.
Where are these teams?
There will be three Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams located across Coventry and Warwickshire, and each Hub will be operational 24/7 and 365 days a year at:
- Caludon Centre (Coventry)
- St Michael’s Hospital, Warwick (South Warwickshire)
- Manor site, Nuneaton (North Warwickshire and Rugby)
Watch a short Youtube video for further information:
Click on image below

How to refer?
For Adult Mental Health Referrals
To make referrals into Adult Mental Health Services:
Tel: 08081 966798 (24/7)
Email: MHreferrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
For Adult Learning Disability Referrals
To make referrals into adult learning disability services:
Tel: 0300 131 2320 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, excluding bank holidays)
Email: LDreferrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
What happens when a patient is referred into mental health services?
The Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams clinically triage all referrals at a locality level
Following triage, if they are then assessed to be in need an urgent assessment, the Team will arrange to see them within 4 or 24 hours depending on their presentation
Patients who are not urgent but need our mental health support will be onward referred to the right team
The Teams are replacing the central clinical triage function and the Crisis element of support
Home Treatment Support
Patients seen urgently who then need intensive Home Treatment care to support them in their own homes and to help avoid a hospital admission, will receive specific and task centred Home Treatment interventions
Who works in the Adult Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment (CRHT) Teams?
The staff is one of a full Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) inclusive of Community Psychiatric Nurses, Occupational Therapist(s), Social Worker(s), support staff, peer support workers, medics, Psychology and call handlers
Therefore all referrals will be triaged by a significantly expanded and integrated team of professionals.
Why have things changed?
There are many benefits for the new ways of working:
- The locality MHAHs will ensure closer working across all mental health services, ensuring that each patient is triaged and treated within their local area.
- They will provide closer links, advice and information for GP’s for individuals who have been referred to mental health services.
- MHAHs will encourage closer working between the urgent care and community mental health services.
- Each MHAH will continue its close links with the community, voluntary and charity sector in their local area, to provide each patient with the right support for them at all times.
- Clear assessment times will support the urgency of referrals to ensure that all service users are seen in a timely manner. This will enable people to access the support they need and it will attempt to prevent further deterioration, distress or crisis of the person’s mental health
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Frequently Asked Questions from Service Users and Carers
Frequently Asked Questions from Professional Stakeholders

Mind Coventry & Warwickshire Young Black Men’s Mental Health Project
The aim of the YBM project is to promote empowerment, increase resilience and help address some of the issues that affect young black men (11-25) and their families.
The Young Black Men project offers group based and one-to-one interventions.
It is free to access, delivered across schools, community spaces and places of worship, and designed to be culturally appropriate.
The project accepts both self-referrals and professional referrals. It also provides opportunities to work in partnership with other groups and organisations working with young black men and their families.
Why young black men?
We know that young black men are one of the most overrepresented BME groups in in-patient mental health services and are overrepresented in the criminal justice system.
Young black men are also massively underrepresented in asking for help, speaking about mental health or seeking services, and we want to work to see this change.
Please download the referral form right

Peer Mentoring Support Service PMSS 16-25 years
About the Peer Mentoring Support Service PMSS
Aims to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people (CYP) aged 16-25, across Coventry and Warwickshire.
This is an early intervention/prevention service providing peer mentor 1:1 and group support with the goal of enabling a smoother transition from children’s mental health services into adult support or community services.
It can be a difficult time when transitioning between child and adult mental health support services and many young adults fail to seek advice and support early enough.
Who would benefit from the service
One-to-one peer mentoring support and buddy support to three main groups of children and young people:
- Young adults aged 16–18 transitioning through pathways from children and young people’s mental health services to adult mental health services
- Young adults aged 17–25 who have never accessed mental health services but are at risk of needing a mental health intervention
- Young adults leaving care aged 18-25 who are at risk of accessing mental health services.
Aims of the project
- Support the reduction of young people reaching crisis point
- Reduce number of young adults entering mental health services after leaving care
- Increase the knowledge of mental health support amongst young people as they move (transition) from child to adult mental health services
- Improve confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing among young adults who are moving from child to adult mental health services
- Improve resilience and independence on this journey of moving from children to adult mental health services
- Prevent the need for referrals into mental health services for the first time
- Over a 12-month period the service aims to support young adults aged between 16–25
PMSS helps Children and Young People by:
- Access to alternative community-based – 1:1 and group activities complementing the services delivered by professionals
- Recruiting, training, managing and supporting volunteers to become peer mentors to other young adults
- Matching volunteer peer mentors to young adults, based on hobbies, needs and interests – guiding and assisting individual young adults – motivating and empowering them to set personal goals and make small but significant steps towards change
Providing information and signposting – improving understanding of early warning signs and symptoms of mental health difficulty, how to access information and follow-up on support, and building confidence to talk about their mental health
Co-producing the service with young adults
About the Volunteer Peer Mentor Buddies
- Volunteer Peer Mentor Buddies are ‘Experts by Experience’ aged 18–25
- Recruited to provide a peer buddy role and pastoral support.
- Complement the work of social care, mental health, education, voluntary care sector professionals and commissioned services, offering independent support
How to Refer
Young adults can be referred by multi-agency partners
We will only accept self-referrals if no services are currently involved but would still encourage young adults to visit their GP
Following a referral, a volunteer peer mentor buddy or Peer Mentor Support Worker will be matched with young adults by the Service Manager according to their needs and interests
Make an online referral – choose the button below
Download a traditional-style referral form Download MS Word referral form here
Referrals can be returned to pmss@cwmind.org.uk.
Please note: the referral must be password protected – send details separately – which is very easy on a word document.
Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Click on the image below for the full document

Click on links below for further Mental Health information:

Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Team/ IPU 3-8
Delivers services from localities in Coventry, North Warwickshire & Rugby and South Warwickshire. The multi-disciplinary team accepts referrals for adults from the age of 17years with the following criteria:
- Over 17 requiring assessment or treatment for mental health conditions, including: depression, recurrent depression or anxiety more complex than IAPT will accept
- Complex trauma, adjustment disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), personality disorders, severe anxiety disorder and eating disorders.
- Registered with Coventry GP, have a Coventry post code, or have a commissioned arrangement in place.
- Are covered by Section 75 agreement.
- Where the primary need is for mental health interventions in situations where there is a dual diagnosis
Consultant Psychiatrist GP advice line
See Gateway page: Advice & Guidance from Secondary Care and Psychiatry
Make a referral
By phone directly on 08081 966798 option 1 (24hrs/7days p.w.)
Please see right for mental health referral form and send by email: MHreferrals@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Useful helplines for patients:
Mental Health Matters (24hrs) 0800 616 171 or from mobile 0300 330 5487
Samaritans support line: 116 123 from any phone
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance
Stratford Healthcare Centre Stratford-upon Avon
Adult Community Mental Health Services – NEW NUMBER: 0300 303 4017
Services are now located in Building 2 of Stratford Healthcare Centre.
If you have any queries about the changes, please contact mentalhealth.communications@covwarkpt.nhs.uk
Creative Health Referrals
Arty-Folks are commissioned to deliver a variety of arts courses to support wellbeing for adults with mild to moderate mental health issues.
The art programmes aim to bring people together to share life experience and through the creative process strengthen identity and control over their lives and futures.
Participants will be offered 1-2-1 mentoring and coaching support to make the most of the programme and opportunities for progression.
The programme currently accepts self-referrals and referrals from health and social care professionals. Residents can access booking for the programmes via https://arty-folks.org.uk/whats-on/calendar/
Escape Arts are commissioned to deliver a range of free programmes for adults with mild to moderate mental health challenges and those wanting to support their wellbeing by engaging with the natural environment.
A well-recognised relationship exists between access to green space and improved mental health and wellbeing, with a reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression.
North Warwickshire Guidance
About Grapevine
Thirteen years ago Grapevine was a small single-issue charity helping Coventry people with learning disabilities get a more just life, a life like any other.
The work had taught us that real change in a person’s life could not come from service provision.
That if you want people to take charge of who they are and who they might become then you have to do something different.
Our hunch about what different looked like went like this…
‘What people really need is love, intimacy, purpose, friendship, hope. People can meet these needs in each other through two-way flows of support. Two-way flows of support can solve their problems for good.’
So we took action and began a journey into exploring new methods. And we expanded our reach to offer support to all kinds of people facing tough times, whatever labels or diagnosis they were given.
Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and Annual Physical Health Checks
Anyone with an SMI is entitled to an annual physical health check.
The link between poor mental and poor physical health remains strong but the take up of health checks remains low.
Coventry & Warwickshire CCG has commissioned Grapevine to carry out research in North Warwickshire to determine the obstacles to access and to complete a report suggesting solutions to address them.
Below is a questionnaire aimed at those with SMI. It will record their experience and help shape the solutions that result. Any support given to participants will be greatly appreciated.
The questionnaire is due to close in October 2021.
Questions and requests for support for groups or individuals should be directed to: arigler@grapevinecovandwarks.org
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