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Social Prescribing in Primary Care


Social prescribing is a way of linking patients in primary care with sources of support within the community. It provides GPs with a non-medical referral option that can operate alongside existing treatments to improve health and well-being - University of York

Aims of the Social Prescribing Service

To reduce the use of medical services where the actual problem is a social rather than medical problem.

For additional information see Care Companion page – follow link

Target Population (Coventry)

Adults aged 18+ including frail, elderly, vulnerable or isolated clients, or their carers.


To Age UK Coventry from GP’s, Practice Nurses & Staff using a secure NHS email account with patient consent

Use Social Prescribing Service Referral Form (follow link)

Pass referrals to the Social Navigator attached to the GP Practice.

Email: SocialPrescribingCoventry@nhs.net

Exclusion Criteria
  • Acute mental health needs
  • Personal care needs
Service Providers

Age UK Coventry (lead provider), Arty Folks, Carers Trust, Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre & Foleshill Women’s Training

All provide Social Navigation except Foleshill Women’s Training FWT (Age UK Coventry will signpost to a Social Navigator)

All provide Social Buddy input (subject to criteria)

Role of the Social Navigator
  • A Social Navigator will contact the patient to arrange a convenient appointment.
  • A Wellbeing Guided Conversation (holistic assessment) will be completed at the first visit to identify goals, aims and agree an action plan.
  • The Social Navigator will link the patient to a Social Buddy, befriending, friendship groups/activities, exercise classes, information & advice, home support, meals service, benefit entitlement check.

The Social Prescribing Service will:

  • Visit the patient at home or in the surgery
  • Agree an Action Plan with the patient.
  • Action Plan will be sent for GP records.
  • 3 month review completed with each patient.
  • Any concerns fedback to the GP surgery following our input.

Any queries please contact service on 02476252486

(Visited 3,564 times, 147 visits today)
Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  
Target Population (Rugby & North Warwickshire)

The free service is available for anybody over 18 in the Rugby Borough, and in parts of Nuneaton.

Patients signposted to 900+ health & wellbeing related services.


Delivered by Warwickshire CAVA with funding from NHS Coventry and Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group, The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Warwickshire County Council, the RIPPLE project and the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme.

Specific support is also available to those with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):

  • The RIPPLE (Respiratory Innovation: Promoting a Positive Life Experience) Group in Coventry is run in partnership between NHS CWPT and Coventry University.
  • The TAB (Take a Breath) Programme in Rugby is run partnership between ConnectWELL, Rugby’s Myton Day Hospice, SWFT Community Matrons, and UHCW NHS Trust Department of Spiritual Care.
About ConnectWell

Navigator – Signposting Service Only

Any patient age 18 years and over.

  • Rugby Health & Wellbeing Centre, Drover’s Court, Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3HX: Thursdays 1.00pm to 3pm & Fridays 10am to 12noon
  • Brookside Surgery, Stretton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby, CV23 9NH: Tuesdays 12noon – 2pm

ConnectWELL will contact patients to arrange an appointment at a relevant Navigator Hub Session.

One to One Support Service

This is a ‘low level’ support service, which can be for patients who have had a recent change in their life and aren’t coping with that change as well as they might.

ConnectWELLwill offer information and/or support to get patients:

  • Out and about
  • Involved in a social or interest group
  • Advice and support (money, housing, legal services, etc)
  • Physically active

Health Buddy – One-to-one Support Service

If you hear from your patient that they would like to do something but there are ‘barriers’ then ConnectWELL can provide a ‘Health Buddy’ to assist them to access services or groups.

How to Refer
  1. Signposting Service Only: complete a ConnectWELL– Social Prescribing Referral Form, tick Navigator.
  2. One-to-one Support Service ‘Health Buddies’: Complete a ConnectWELLSocial Prescribing Referral Form, tick Health Buddy.
  3. GPs can complete just ONE quick easy referral form embedded on the GP system.
  4. All GPs across Rugby, 3 Practices in Nuneaton, and some other Health Professionals across Warwickshire, can refer by email to this social prescribing service: crccg.connectwell@nhs.net
Self Referral
  • Click here if you wish to refer yourself for an appointment
    Or individuals can self-refer by calling 01788 539572.
After Referral
  • ConnectWELL Navigators can signpost to activities that interest the patient
  • ConnectWELL Health Buddies can offer support and encouragement to attend the signposted services
Signposted Activities

If you are a Voluntary Organisation or Community Group and would like to tell us about the activities that you offer, follow the link to our Project Directory to give the opportunity for our Navigators to signpost people to your service.

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