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Primary Care Gynaecology Service (PCGS)


Commissioned by Coventry and Warwickshire ICB so that patients can be seen more quickly and conveniently for routine gynaecological care

About the Primary Care Gynaecology Service (PCGS)

This service has been commissioned by Coventry and Warwickshire ICB so that your patients can be seen more quickly and conveniently for routine gynaecological care

The PGCS will provide a single point of access for routine gynaecology conditions and treatments where these cannot be met within your own practice

The PCGS is being provided by the four GP Federations working in partnership across Coventry and Warwickshire and will focus initially on working through the existing secondary care waiting list, where some patients have been waiting as long as 18 months to be seen

Use of the service requires a completed Data Sharing Agreement (see link below)

Please see link here for a data sharing agreement (DSA) for you to review and sign to enable use of the new Primary Care Gynaecology Service.

Please can we ask that you import the EMIS template provided (see right) to your system to use the PCGS. It is a structured template for our gynae clinicians to use during the patient consultation. It is NOT a referral template

If you require support to do this please email digital.angels@southwarwickshiregps.nhs.uk


Please forward a standard referral form detailing the appropriate clinical problem (see inclusion criteria)

Referrals can only be received through ERS and practices can find our service using the Organisation: PRIMARY CARE EXTENDED HOURS Y05168

PCGS is particularly keen to see referrals from practices in Rugby and Warwickshire

North. The ICB is concerned to ensure we are providing equity of access across the system. Local clinics can be set up in these areas provided we receive the referrals to fill clinics. If you would like to understand more about the service and the referral process, please contact our team 

Inclusion criteria:
  • Menorrhagia (heavy bleeding)
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Complex Menopause
  • Complex contraception failures – failed coil or Nexplanon removal (must be palpable) – We no longer provide complex contraception services as these are covered by sexual health clinics
  • Mirena coil insertion
  • Smears
  • Vaginal Prolapse –pessary insertion to relieve symptoms, including Popy & Shelf and Cube Pessaries
  • Cervical polyp removal
  • Vulval disorders including vulval biopsy
Exclusion criteria:
  • Two week wait referrals
  • Suspected cancer 

Current Locations:

  • Warwickshire North: Manor Court Surgery Manor Court Avenue, Nuneaton, CV11 5HX
  • South Warwickshire:  Castle Medical Centre, 22 Bertie Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1JP The Rosebird Pharmacy, Unit 4, Shipston Road, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8LU
  • Coventry and Rugby:  Forrest Medical Centre 6 Prior Deram Walk, Coventry, CV4 8FT
  • Longford Primary Care Centre Drs Princewell & Partners, Longford Road, Longford, Coventry, CV6 6DR

Email:  swg-tr.gynaeserviceswarwickshire@nhs.net

Telephone: 01926 962716

Turning on Consultation Write Back in EMIS

The PCGS use the Coventry & Rugby GP Alliance EMIS Enterprise system (28896) to book patients using Cross Organisation bookings. This allows consultations to be recorded in the patient’s own record

Practices have already activated Cross Organisation bookings on the Alliance system, but we now would like to ask for your help to activate Consultation Write Back option. We believe this will help save time and allow more patients to be seen

You can activate this in your EMIS system through: Configuration/ Data Sharing Manager/appointments – Consultation Write Back in 28896 (Activate)
If you would like to understand more about the service and the referral process, please contact our team via: swg-tr.gynaeserviceswarwickshire@nhs.net

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