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Miscarriage & Recurrent Miscarriage


Current or threatened miscarriage


If a woman is having a miscarriage (current event) referrals may be sent to the Emergency Gynae Unit at UHCW.

The Emergency Gynae Unit is on Ward 23, second floor, UHCW Open 24 hours a day

Please phone first, tel 024 7696 7000.

Open 24 hours a day, no need to use Accident and Emergency.

For non-urgent queries about the Unit, please contact Mr Feras Izzat, Consultant Gynaecologist, email feras.izzat@uhcw.nhs.uk

If the pregnancy is 22 weeks or more, the patient should go to Labour Ward.

Recurrent Miscarriage

If a woman has had recurrent miscarriages, referrals can be sent to Prof Siobhan Quenby at UHCW. She has considerable expertise in this area.

Prof Quenby recommends referral if a woman has had TWO OR MORE miscarriages in the first trimester or ONE OR MORE losses in the second trimester.

NICE guidelines NG126 recommend progesterone 400mg PV BD until 16 weeks for women with bleeding in early pregnancy and history of miscarriage

Evidence Base

Links to evidence base on the right hand side panel

Tommy’s Miscarriage Support Tool

Follow link here

The Miscarriage Support Tool can tell you what the chance is of your next pregnancy being successful (this means going at least to full term, which is 37 weeks).

The tool also gives you personalised support and information based on your results.

It has been designed to give everyone access to information that is currently only available to women and birthing people who go through the clinics that are part of the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research.

The tool uses an algorithm based on a specific piece of research.

The variables that have been found, as part of this research, to make a difference to pregnancy outcomes are:

  • Age
  • BMI (weight)
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
  • Number of previous miscarriages
  • Number of previous live births

CWPT Perinatal Loss Pathway

The CWPT Loss pathway was launched in September 2021

The team consists of Psychologists, CBT therapist, specialist midwife and Peer Support

The Loss Pathway offers talking therapy and signposting for loss and trauma as well as peer support for those women who live in Coventry, Rugby, North or South Warwickshire and have experienced distress or moderate to severe mental health issues following:

  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth
  • Termination due to medical reasons
  • Death of infant prior to their second birthday

Referrals to the Loss Pathway

Referrals accepted from a professional for example a GP, Health Visitor, Midwife, or Community Nurse

The professional referring needs to complete the CORE10 to assess the level of distress before making the referral

Referrals accepted up to 2 years since the loss or if a woman is pregnant again and the previous loss is impacting on the current pregnancy to the level that the woman is experiencing moderate to severe distress

When working with mothers under the age of 16 we will work jointly with RISE or Family Nurse Practitioner


  • Non-resident in Coventry, Rugby, North or South Warwickshire.
  • Child has been removed from their care by social services.
  • Have not experienced a perinatal loss.
  • Those better served by accessing helplines, web-based support, support groups, bereavement counselling or another organisation offering talking therapy or mental health services within our geographical area.
  • Those who are so acutely distressed that they are deemed a risk to themselves or to others and/or need emergency psychiatric provision

For Acute psychiatric emergency, please refer to the Mental Health Access Hub 08081 966 798. Perinatal Mental Health Team Contact Details: Email: PMHT@covwarkpt.nhs.uk Telephone: 024 7621 2176

The team receives referrals from health professional who are required to complete the referral form on the following link and complete a core 10: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n6103.pdf&ver=8306


Noreen Bukhari – Noreen.bukhari@fwt.org.uk for the MAMTA project / Perinatal Mental Health Peer Support

Gina AamodtLeeper – Gina.AamodtLeeper@covwarkpt.nhs.uk





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