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Raised intra-ocular pressure


Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressure inside the eye.

Interim Referral Advice from February until 1 April 2024

Ophthalmology referrals will not be triaged or processed by the Referral Support Service during February and March

Referrals should be made DIRECTLY to the provider during this period

Referral queries should be directed to Advice & Guidance

Raised IOP Referrals

Patients who have been assessed as having normal visual fields, normal optic discs and van Herick angle and a raised IOP of:

Patients with a reading of over 23mmHg

Will be referred to an accredited optometrist providing a referral refinement service

Those patients with a raised IOP will be assessed using Goldmann tonometry

If your patient requires a further test to measure their intra-ocular pressure, please print a leaflet in the right panel, so they can make their own appointment with a local optician.

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