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Low Vision Clinic (LVA Clinic)



The Aim of the Low Vision Clinic (LVA Clinic)

Low vision clinics are held at University Hospital Coventry and Hospital of St Cross, Rugby

This service exists to support patients and help them adapt to their visual impairment

We cover the areas of Coventry, North Warwickshire (including Nuneaton and Bedworth) and Rugby

You do not have to be registered Severely Sight Impaired (Blind) or Sight Impaired (Partially Sighted) to be assessed in the clinic. Only 20 per cent of our patients fall into these two categories. The 80 per cent non-registered patients still have sight problems, struggle with day to day tasks and are entitled to an assessment

Our tailored assessments help to discern what everyday tasks patients struggle with and aim to help patients maintain as much independence as possible with the use of low vision aids. These aids can either be glasses, magnifiers or telescopes and we provide these optical aids on extended loan

We can also demonstrate electronic magnifiers, that are not provided under the NHS, and give advice on their suitability and availability as well as offering advice and information on other resources in the community.

We see patients of all ages, although the majority tend to be elderly. We also run a specialist paediatric clinic for children with visual impairment

What will happen in a LVA assessment?

The initial assessment can take up to one hour. The Optometrist (Optician) will first examine your vision using specialist charts that may differ from those used in the Eye Doctor’s clinic or an Optician’s clinic in private practice. They will then check that your spectacle prescription is up to date. Please note, a change of spectacles may not improve your vision due to the nature of your sight loss. The Optometrist will advise you on this accordingly

Following these tests, they will then try magnifiers, telescopes and ‘Specialist’ low vision spectacles to make the best use of your vision

All these devices, collectively known as Optical Low Vision Aids (LVAs), will be issued to you by the NHS, at no charge, on a permanent loan basis (i.e. it remains the property of the hospital and should be returned if not in use)

Each LVA will perform differently and so you may be given more than one to cover a variety of tasks. Prior to your initial assessment, it would be beneficial to think about specific tasks or hobbies that you are have difficulty with due to your eyesight. Bring examples of them along to help us choose the most appropriate LVA

If you have been referred in directly to the Low Vision Clinic by your GP or social services, you may also need an eye health check. This examination may require dilating drops on the day

At the end of the assessment, you will be given the appropriate aids and booked a follow-up appointment, to see how you are getting on, usually six to eight weeks later with the Low Vision Technician or Optometrist

Contact Details

Low Vision Clinic, Optometry Clinic 9, University Hospital, Clifford Bridge Rd, Coventry, CV2 2DX.

Tel: 02476 966516

Referral to the Clinic

This clinic is currently accepting patients only from Coventry, Rugby, North and East Warwickshire. South Warwickshire patients should continue to be referred int SWFT and Stratford Hospitals

If you are currently under the care of an Ophthalmologist (Eye Doctor) at UHCW, George Eliot or Hospital of St Cross, you can ask your Ophthalmologist to refer you to the LVA clinic

If you have not been seen or are no longer under the care of an Ophthalmologist, simply contact your GP or Local Optometrist in the community to be referred to the LVA clinic

Referrals should be sent to the attention of Adrian Sexton (Low Vision Lead Optometrist) at UHCW

Referral secure email: Lowvision@uhcw.nhs.uk

Children’s LVA clinics

Dedicated paediatric low vision clinics are currently only held at UHCW. As with the adult clinic, optical LVAs will be trialled and issued where appropriate.

The clinic is jointly led by the children’s sensory support teams of both Coventry and Warwickshire. The child’s Qualified Teacher for the Visually Impaired (QTVI) will be present during the assessment, allowing sharing of information leading to the best overall care for the child and their educational needs

Please note, these clinics are booked by the sensory support teams, not UHCW NHS Trust.

For children educated in Coventry contact: Sensory Team Tel: 024 7678 6174

Email: sensorysupportservice@coventry.gov.uk

For children educated in Warwickshire contact: Sensory Support Team Warwickshire Vision Support Service Tel: 024 76364200

Email: fayecommander@warwickshire.gov.uk

Local Contacts

Visual and Hearing Impairment Team Coventry City Council Tel 02476 833003

Email: vhiteam@coventry.gov.uk

Warwickshire Vision Support Tel: 01926 411331

Email: enquiries@warwickshire.vision

Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind and Visually Impaired Tel: 02476 717522

Email: admin@crcb.org.uk

Coventry Macular Society Tel: 02476414076

Coventry Asian Blind Association Tel: 02476 445686 Tel: 07359138047

Email: bip.vajah@outlook.com

National contacts

NHS national information

In Touch Weekly radio programme of news, views and information for people with visual impairment.

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