Formerly Child Development Service (CDS)
Speciality: Children
Children & Young Person Mental Health
Children's mental health and wellbeing: resources for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire
CW RISE (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS)
The integrated specialist child and adolescent mental health service supports children & young people with mental health difficulties (including mental illness) and eating disorders.
Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse (Young People)
Early Intervention services for young people displaying risky behaviours around relationships and sexual health.
Gender Identity Clinic Referrals
Trans and non-binary people's general health needs are the same as anyone else's, but trans people may have specific health needs in relation to gender dysphoria or gender reassignment, or confirmation. Referrals must be made by NHS Paediatric Services or NHS Mental Health Services for children and young people. Referrals will not be accepted from any other source including Primary Care
Health Visitor Service
About Health Visitors and the Health Visiting Service
Mental Health Self Help Resources
A list of useful self help resources
On Track in Schools (Rugby)
On Track mentors provide pupils with a positive role model, developing a consistent and on-going relationship which help can help pupils work through many of the common, complex barriers which cause concern
Perinatal Mental Health
Perinatal mental health problems are those which occur during pregnancy or in the first year following the birth of a child