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Breastfeeding & Infant Feeding


Breastfeeding is a great way to get your baby off to the best start.

Breastfeeding is a great way to get your baby off to the best start. It has all the nutrients your baby needs for the first 6 months, boosts a baby’s ability to fight illness and infection, and helps protect mums against breast and ovarian cancer, and much more.

(Visited 1,439 times, 202 visits today)
Coventry Guidance  

About the Infant Feeding Team

We are a team of UNICEF BFI Trained and Accredited Breastfeeding Peer Support Workers, managed by a Registered Adult Nurse.

What does our team offer?

Contact us for:

  • Information on building a close and loving relationship with your baby, before and after baby is born.
  • Details of the health benefits of breastfeeding for Mum and Baby
  • Information on brain development, oxytocin, effective milk transfer, responsive feeding and more
  • Support and advice with all aspects of infant feeding
  • Support at weekday support groups / post-natal clinics / baby weigh clinics
  • Weekday WhatsApp video consultations and daily telephone consultations

Our Working Partners

  • University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
  • Health Visiting
  • Maternity Services
  • Family Health and Lifestyle Service Coventry
  • Coventry University

How to contact us:

Tel: 07904984620 or the Main Family Health and Lifestyle Service Coventry: 02475189190

Useful links:

We have created a short list of frequently asked questions, links to online information and a range of information leaflets which we hope will be useful.

Rugby & South Warwickshire Guidance  

Early breastfeeding support service

This service, provided in the North of the County and Rugby, offers support to breastfeeding mums on discharge from hospital, up until the baby is 28 days old. It is free and can be booked via a health visitor or midwife.

Breastfeeding – antenatal and postnatal guidance, information and support

South Warwickshire NHS – Breastfeeding (community)

Warwick Hospital – Infant Feeding Coordinator
Tel: +44(0)1926 495321 Ext 8584

George Eliot Hospital – Specialist Midwife (Infant Feeding & Obesity)
Tel: +44(0)2476 865074 Ext 5074

Warwickshire Community – Specialist Infant Feeding Health Visitor
Tel: +44(0)1926 337506 Ext 119

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire – Infant Feeding Clinical Educator
Tel: +44(0)2476 967369

North Warwickshire Guidance  

Early breastfeeding support service

This service, provided in the North of the County and Rugby, offers support to breastfeeding mums on discharge from hospital, up until the baby is 28 days old. It is free and can be booked via a health visitor or midwife.

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