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Tongue Tie Management & Infant Breast Feeding Support


Tongue-tie affects some babies with a tight piece of skin between the underside of their tongue and the floor of their mouth which may interfere with breast feeding.

Coventry paediatricians do not usually advise treatment for tongue tie, unless there is feeding difficulty, failure to thrive or speech delay. The ENT surgeons snip them under local anaesthesia if required.

Infants under 4 weeks of age with feeding problems:

Referral criteria:

For babies up to 4 weeks of age with feeding problems

Breastfed with feeding difficulties with any degree of tongue tie, and bottle fed with feeding difficulties such as excess dribbling, excess wind and struggling to latch onto bottles

Clinics weekly – alternating between both Monday and Tuesday evenings and an all-day Friday clinic

Referrals to:

Michelle Baxter or Alex Dunderdale : Midwife & Tongue Tie Practitioners

Tongue Tie Clinic, Community Midwives Office, George Eliot Hospital, College Street, Nuneaton CV10 7DJ

Tel: Community Office 02476 865022

Area covered:

George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust and surrounding area.

Out of area referrals by health professionals accepted.

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