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Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service (Coventry & Warwickshire)


The Children’s Bladder and Bowel service is part of the Children and Young People’s Community Nursing Service in Coventry. The aim of the Bladder and Bowel Team is to provide specialist information, advice, and support to children, young people and their families living in Coventry and Warwickshire

About the Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service

Information about the Children’s Bladder and Bowel service:

The Children’s Bladder and Bowel service is part of the Children and Young People’s Community Nursing Service in Coventry

The aim of the Bladder and Bowel service is to provide specialist information, advice, and support to children, young people and their families living in Coventry and Warwickshire

The needs of the children and young people the service support include:

  • Delayed achievement of bladder and bowel control
  • Constipation
  • Daytime Wetting
  • Nocturnal Enuresis

Referrals into the service will be accepted from professionals. As this is a specialist service, all children, young people and their families should be in receipt of Tier 1 advice from universal services for a minimum of 3 months before being referred into the service

See GP Gateway Enuresis (Paediatric) for Tier 1 information

01 October 2024: Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service is now open to referrals for children and young people with constipation and soiling

Referrals will be only accepted if the pathway for constipation and soiling has been followed and the referral form is fully completed

The pathway can be found here and the referral form can be found here

The pathway has been developed to follow the NHS England National clinical constipation pathway for primary care for children

Referrals will not be accepted where the pathway has not been followed: NHS England » National clinical constipation pathway for primary care for children

Please be aware that we are currently only extending opening for constipation and soiling

Coventry children with daytime or night time wetting should have any possible organic causes ruled out and be referred to School Nursing for Tier 1 advice who will then refer to the service if appropriate as per the previous protocol

Please do not send referrals for children in Warwickshire for daytime and night time wetting until we send further information in early 2025

Please continue to rule out any organic cause of the wetting and send referrals to school nursing for the Tier 1 advice to be given

For other types of incontinence please discuss the appropriateness of the referral with the Children’s Bladder and Bowel service before sending the referral


Send referrals via secure email: Referrals.ChildrensPhysicalHealth@covwarkpt.nhs.uk

Contact the Team:

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