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Speciality: Paediatrics

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Adult & Children Safeguarding


Safeguarding is about the safety and well being of all patients but providing additional measures for those least able to protect themselves from harm or abuse

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Anaemia (Children)


Anaemia is a problem in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells.

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Bronchiolitis is generally a self-limiting viral illness characterised by a prodrome of coryza, prior to cough, increased work of breathing and often wheeze. It often affects a child ability to feed.

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Children’s Bladder and Bowel Service (Coventry & Warwickshire)


The Children’s Bladder and Bowel service is part of the Children and Young People’s Community Nursing Service in Coventry. The aim of the Bladder and Bowel Team is to provide specialist information, advice, and support to children, young people and their families living in Coventry and Warwickshire

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Circumcision (Male)


Male circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin

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Community Paediatrics


Community Paediatricians provide specialist care for children and young people. We also carry out a range of duties in relation to child protection, medical advice for special educational needs, and health assessments of children in care. The role of the paediatrician involves prevention, identification, assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support.

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Constipation – Children


Constipation occurs when there is a reduction in the frequency of bowel movements characterized by the passage of hard stools and may be associated with straining and pain

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Enuresis (Paediatric)


“Bedwetting is a widespread and distressing condition that can have a deep impact on a child or young person's behavior, emotional wellbeing and social life. It is also very stressful for the parents or carers. The prevalence of bedwetting decreases with age. Bedwetting less than 2 nights a week has a prevalence of 21% at about 4 and a half years and 8% at 9 and a half years. More frequent bedwetting is less common and has a prevalence of 8% at 4 and a half years and 1.5% at 9 and a half years.” (NICE 2010)

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Fever in Under 5’s


Sometimes a high temperature in children is associated with more serious signs and symptoms, such as: breathlessness. vomiting. rash. fits or seizures.

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Gender Identity Clinic Referrals


Trans and non-binary people's general health needs are the same as anyone else's, but trans people may have specific health needs in relation to gender dysphoria or gender reassignment, or confirmation. Referrals must be made by NHS Paediatric Services or NHS Mental Health Services for children and young people. Referrals will not be accepted from any other source including Primary Care

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Hydrocoele (children)


A hydrocele denotes a pathological accumulation of serous fluid in a body cavity.

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Inguinal hernia (children)


A hernia occurs when an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the muscle or surrounding tissue wall.

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Jaundice (Neonatal)


Jaundice is a term used to describe the yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes.

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Milk intolerance


Lactose intolerance is a common digestive problem where the body is unable to digest lactose, a type of sugar mainly found in milk and dairy products.

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Ophthalmic cyst (children)


A chalazion, also known as a meibomian cyst, is a common condition affecting the eyelid.

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Paediatric Allergy Service


Paediatric Allergy Service for management of allergy /drug allergy in children

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Paediatric Chest Pain


The management and referral of undifferentiated chest pain in childhood (this advice is not suitable for paediatric patients with known congenital cardiac defects or cardiovascular disease)

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Phimosis (children)


Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head of the penis.

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Plagiocephaly is a disorder that affects a baby’s skull making the back or side appear flattened.

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Ptosis (children)


Ptosis is a drooping or falling of the upper eyelid.

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Red eye (children)


A red eye can be alarming, but can be a sign of a minor eye condition, such as conjunctivitis or a burst blood vessel.

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School Health & Wellbeing Service


About School Nursing. School nurses work across education and health, providing a link between school, home and the community.

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Scoliosis (Paediatric)


Assessment in secondary care is advised for any child with a suspected scoliosis who is still growing.

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Snoring (children)


If your child snores, it may be caused by an underlying problem with their airways, such as enlarged tonsils.

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Squint (Pre-School)


A squint (strabismus) is a condition where the eyes point in different directions.

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Undescended testes


Undescended testicles are a common childhood condition where a boy's testicles are not in their usual place in the scrotum.

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Vulvovaginitis (in Children)


Vulvovaginitis is inflammation or soreness of the skin in the vagina or surrounding vulva. It is more common in younger girls.