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Scoliosis (Paediatric)


Assessment in secondary care is advised for any child with a suspected scoliosis who is still growing.

Scoliosis in Children

Assessment in secondary care is advised for any child with a suspected scoliosis who is still growing.

Clinical signs suggestive of scoliosis include:

  • Asymmetry in shoulder height, arm-flank distance or flank creases.
  • Prominence of the ribs on one side when touching the toes is often the most apparent sign (Adam’s forward bend test).
Urgent Referral

Urgent referral is advised:

  • Prompt referral is advised in children under 11 due to the risk of progression.
  • Those with neurological symptoms /signs or non-mechanical or night pain that interrupts sleep should be referred urgently.
Routine Referral

Children with suspected scoliosis should otherwise be referred on a routine basis via NHS E-referral.

Imaging prior to the appointment is not necessary.

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