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2 Week Wait Guidance


Guidance and information regarding Urgent Two Week Waits (2WW)

Two Week Wait Referrals

Does your patient meet the NG12 criteria?

YES: complete appropriate referral and safety net patient to ensure they attend appropriate appointments.

It is recommended that electronic safety netting tools are used.

These are built into EMIS (see attached admin staff and clinician guides) or you can use Arden’s tool (used in Coventry, Rugby and South Warwickshire) or the safety netting template in Primary Care IT software (used in North Warwickshire).

To complete a quality 2WW referral use the forms listed for relevant speciality

NO: safety net the patient using recommended electronic tools.

Further information:

Safety netting | Cancer Research UK

Safety Netting: Macmillan

NG 12 Guidelines: Overview | Suspected cancer: recognition and referral | Guidance | NICE

Cancer Decision Tools:

Nice Guidance NG12 diagram from CRUK

Cancer Maps MindMaps (gatewayc.org.uk)

Q Cancer

Please issue the patient a Cancer Research UK Information Sheet – follow link or a Cancer Research UK Patient Leaflet – follow link to order wallet size version direct from Cancer Research

An A4 printable version collated into 3 pages is available here

Key Points for a Good 2WW Referral

  • Referral includes all patient demographics and check the patients’ contact details are current and correct
  • Reason for referral, symptoms, examination findings and any significant test results
  • Any relevant clinical information that may affect suitability for investigations and further management in secondary care including for example
  • Performance status and mobility
  • Capacity to consent
  • Need for translator
  • Renal function
  • Inform patients that they are on an urgent cancer pathway and provide patient information leaflet link to Cancer Research UK pdf Your Urgent Suspected Cancer Referral (cancerresearchuk.org)

Key Points for Informing Patient they are on an Urgent Cancer Pathway

  • A patient is less likely to DNA appointment if aware of urgent cancer pathway
  • Reassure patient by sharing PPV that unlikely outcome is cancer, but it is a possibility
  • Health care professional & patient relationships can be damaged if patient is sent on a referral without full disclosure
  • Patient can be fully informed and prepare for the appointment with their questions and can arrange to take someone to support them

Further Referral Support – Gateway C Courses

For further support with improving cancer referrals follow Gateway C link  Improving the Quality of Your Referral – GatewayC



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