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Prostate Specific Antigen Testing (PSA)


Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland.

PSA Testing

Indications for PSA testing:

  • Men with LUTS
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Symptoms and signs suggesting Prostate cancer: bone pains, abnormal DRE, high alkaline phosphatase
  • Family history of Prostate, ovarian or breast cancer, known activating BRCA mutation.
  • Patient request -provided patient understands the limitations of the test and following a DRE.  Useful in men with 10 or more years of life expectancy

PSA test must not be done:

  • If suspicion of UTI
  • For 6 weeks following the successful treatment of UTI
  • Within 48 hours of ejaculation or receptive anal intercourse

MRI prostate requests from Primary Care will be rejected by the Radiology Department 

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