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Coventry Integrated Musculoskeletal Service Single Point of Access


Coventry Integrated Musculoskeletal Service Single Point of Access Pilot- August 2024

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Coventry Integrated Musculoskeletal Service Single Point of Access Pilot- August 2024

MSK Referral into Single Point of Access via E-referral:

E-RS service tag: MSK Single Point of Triage- University Hospital Coventry- RKB




The MSK referral is sent into the Single Point of Access via E-referral:

E-RS service tag: MSK Single Point of Triage- University Hospital Coventry- RKB

Patient Information About the MSK Referral

You have been referred to the Coventry Integrated Musculoskeletal Service Single Point of Access

What is this service? What do we do? What happens next?

This service is a community-based service for Musculoskeletal (MSK- bone, joint, muscle and nerve) conditions

Not all MSK conditions need to see a hospital consultant (such as an Orthopaedic Surgeon or Rheumatologist). This is where our specialist MSK SPA service can help ensuring that you see the right person at the right time

Your medical doctor has assessed you and referred you into the Specialist MSK SPA service

This service consists of physiotherapist specialists and rheumatology specialists who will assess your referral and decided which service would best manage your symptoms.

Your referral will be triaged by our specialists who will decide whether to:

  • Send your referral directly into the service that your referral requests (Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Pain clinic, Physiotherapy) where they would expect your symptoms would be best managed
  • Call you via phone to get a better understanding of your condition or bring you in to an assessment clinic to assess you face to face

If you are assessed via phone or brought in for a face-to-face assessment, the clinician will explain what their assessment has found and use a shared decision-making process to determine which service would best manage your condition

Our specialists can request diagnostic investigations including x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, EMG & bloods tests. The physiotherapists may also deliver corticosteroid injections and ultrasound imaging

We support patients to self-manage and empower them to maximise any advice or treatment prescribed for the best possible outcomes please see our Patient Information page for further advice on your symptoms and management

Click this link Self Care – University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire (uhcw.nhs.uk) or scan the QR code below to our MSK self-care guides



Who is this for?

The MSK single point of access provides a single point of access for all Musculoskeletal referrals for all patients aged 16 and over for all patients with a Coventry GP.

When and where do we offer this service?

We provide a comprehensive MSK assessment, treatment and management service at:

  • The City of Coventry Health Centre

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