Inclusion Criteria:
- Age18-75
- Reflux / heartburn
- Epigastric pain
- Nausea
- Intermittent vomiting
- Rectal bleeding
- Haemorrhoid assessment
- Anal pain / irritation / itching
- Erratic bowel habit
Exclusion Criteria:
- 2WW referrals
- On anticoagulation
- Dysphasia
- BMI >45 or weight >200kg
- Incapacitating disease which is a threat to life
- Revision surgery
- Current and significantly unstable psychiatric disorder and/or severe anxiety
Referral letter
Letter including details of current condition, relevant medical and surgical history, medications, allergies, BP, BMI, history of drug / alcohol dependancy, MRSA / Blood borne viral disease / bleeding disorder
Appropriate investigations eg X rays, MRI, CT scans, recent blood tests within 3 months
Existing social support in place
Services Provided
- Telephone pre-assessment by Endoscopy Nurse
- Gastroscopy
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
The Chase, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 6RW
Tel: 0800 0155020
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