Non-biopsy policy for adults with positive coeliac serology
UHCW has adopted the BSG non biopsy protocol for diagnosis of coeliac disease
OGD D2 biopsy is no longer performed if patient < 55 and no alarm symptoms
Please note: The laboratory will automatically add anti-endomysial antibody (EMA IgA) antibodies test to a raised TTG result if significantly raised (TTG ≥ 50 KU/L). See flowchart below
Refer to dietetics if coeliac disease confirmed
What we know about using non-biopsy protocol to date:
- IgA tissue transglutaminase (tTG) level of ≥10x the upper limit of normal (ULN) is more than 90% predictive of villous atrophy in the adult population.
- In young people, anti-endomysial antibody test (EMA IgA) testing in a second blood sample serves to reduce the likelihood of a false-positive TTG result and/or the possibility of a recording a transiently elevated tTG titre.
- Where EMA is not available a 2nd TTG is acceptable
Risks associated with Coeliac Disease
There is an unknown risk to undiagnosed individuals who have coeliac disease but are not on a Gluten Free Diet. This is likely to be comparable to a patient with coeliac disease that has ongoing villous atrophy:
- Haematinic deficiency
- Reduced bone mineral density
- Reduced quality of life
- Increased risk of small bowel lymphoma
Non biopsy protocol

Reference: British Society of Gastroenterology Suggested Protocol Pending Revisions of the BSG Coeliac Disease Guidelines
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