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Targeted Lung Health Checks


The use of Cancer Research UK facilitators and resources to improve early detection rates

NHS Targeted Lung Health Check Programme

  • Lung cancer screening aims to find lung cancer early
  • This is when there are more treatment options available, and they have the best chance of cure
  • Lung Health Checks are available in some areas of England
  • TLHCs have recently been available to eligible patients who live in Coventry and Rugby (but due to finish in April/May 2023). Eligible patients who live in North Warwickshire will be invited next, followed by South Warwickshire
  • If you live in an area where they are taking place, you will receive an invitation if ALL of the following apply to YOU:
    • Over 55 but younger than 75 years old
    • Registered with a GP
    • Have ever smoked

You will either receive a letter or a phone call inviting you to take part

  • If you qualify for a FREE NHS Lung Health Check, you will receive an invite letter through the post
  • This letter will have a date and time where one of our specialised nurses will call you for your Lung Health Check. This consultation should take about 15 minutes
  • During the telephone call you will be asked questions about your overall lung health, lifestyle, family and medical history
  • You may then be invited to have a lung CT scan at our special mobile unit being run by InHealth.
  • This checks for early signs of lung cancer and is called lung cancer screening

Information on how TLHCs work in Coventry and Warwickshire can be found in the attached documents:

TLHC What You Need to Know:                                              TLHC GP Guidance:


Further Information

Cancer Research UK – Lung Health Checks

NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks: video

Evaluation of TLHC Programme

InHealth Lung Health Checks









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North Warwickshire Guidance  

The NHS in Coventry and Warwickshire is rolling out the Targeted Lung Health Check service to North Warwickshire, following the successful launch in Coventry and Rugby in 2021


Initially, eligible patients will be invited for a telephone assessment with a specialist NHS Lung Health Check Nurses to determine their risk of lung cancer. If they are deemed to be high risk, then patients will be invited to have a face-to-face appointment to have a low dose CT scan of their lungs, which will identify any issues that need further assessment or investigation

Often, patients whose low dose CT scans show an issue that needs further investigating have no symptoms at all, meaning that without the low dose CT scan the issue could go undetected and worsen – making the treatment options more complex, more invasive, and having less chance of being successful

In order to make these checks as accessible as possible, a mobile CT scanner is used which allows scans to take place in convenient community locations

These are usually well-serviced by public transport and the details of the locations are shared with patients once it has been determined they are at increased risk and need a low dose CT scan

The rollout to North Warwickshire comes after the service has proved extremely successful in Coventry and Rugby over the past 3 years and the service is currently scheduled to be expanded to South Warwickshire in 2026

The North Warwickshire rollout will be carried out gradually over the next 21 months from July 2024

So far, over 28,000 lung checks have been carried out, resulting in just over 11,000 referrals for a low dose CT scan

This has increased the early detection of lung cancer from 20% before the programme launched to 77.2%, making a massive impact on the NHS’s ability to identify and treat lung cancer and dramatically increasing patients’ chances of survival

Those who are eligible for a lung health check and who are a patient at a participating practice will receive a letter inviting them to book an initial phone assessment

If you believe you are eligible and haven’t received an invitation, please contact the Targeted Lung Health Check booking team on 02475 268 666, or email crlung.healthcheck@nhs.net.

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